Saturday, December 28, 2019
Patterns of Paragraph Devt - 1169 Words
PATTERNS OF PARAGRAPH DEVELOPMENT 1) Narrative - An account of a sequence of events, usually in chronological order. Example : The barber was cutting our hair, and our eyes were closed--as they are so likely to be. . . . Deep in a world of our own, he heard, from far away, a voice saying goodbye. It was a customer of the shop, leaving. Goodbye, he said to the barbers. Goodbye, echoed the barbers. And without ever returning to consciousness, or opening our eyes, or thinking, we joined in. Goodbye, we said, before we could catch ourself. Then, all at once, the sadness of the occasion struck us, the awful dolor of bidding farewell to someone we had never seen. We have since wondered what he looked like, and whether it was reallyâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦It would be impossible for any parent reading these vagaries to picture what goes on in the schoolsââ¬â¢ classrooms. 5) Analogy - is a comparison of two different things that are alike in some way. So a paragraph by analogy would mean that you are writing multiple sentences that develop upon the ideas of what you are comparing. The easiest way for you to come up with the paragraph would be to make a list of all the different ways the subjects are alike. Make these into complete sentences and your paragraph will almost form itself. Example : I am to dancing what Roseanne is to singing and Donald Duck to motivational speeches. I am as graceful as a refrigerator falling down a flight of stairs. 6) Descriptive - paragraph describes how a person/thing looks, or feels. In descriptive paragraphs, you can describe people, places, objects, or events. The main purpose is to create an image in readerââ¬â¢s minds. In short, it is like painting with the words. Example: A Friendly Clown On one corner of my dresser sits a smiling toy clown on a tiny unicycle--a gift I received last Christmas from a close friend. The clowns short yellow hair, made of yarn, covers its ears but is parted above the eyes. The blue eyes are outlined in black with thin, dark lashes flowing from the brows. It has cherry-red cheeks, nose, and lips, and its broad grin disappears into the wide, white ruffleShow MoreRelatedArticle II: Declaration of Principles and State Policies16349 Words à |à 66 PagesSECOND KIND The legislative and judicial acts of de facto government =VOID AB INITIO. Patterns of Government What superficially appears to be a bewildering variety of applications of constitutional democracy can be reduced to the following basic patterns: â⬠¢Direct government ââ¬â the people, organized as the electorate, are the preponderant power holder(Ancient Greek City-States) â⬠¢Assembly government ââ¬â name for the pattern which the parliament as the representation of the people is the preponderant power
Friday, December 20, 2019
Legislation For The Commonwealth And Federal Government
Assessment Task 1 Procedure â ¦ Legislation a. The name of this body is Australian Rights Commission b. There are different titles of legislation for the Commonwealth or Federal Government: â ¦ 1986 Australian Human Rights Commission Act â ¦ 1984 Sex Discrimination Act â ¦ 1975 Racial Discrimination Act â ¦ 1992 Disability Discrimination Act â ¦ 2004 Age Discrimination Act c, From 1 July 2009 , most Australian workplaces are governed by new system created by Fair Work Act 2009 , that will be administered by the Fair Work Ombudsman together with Fair Work Australia. â ¦ the body governing in anti-discrimination used in my state is The Equal Opportunity Act 2010 e. For me the unlawful discrimination is when for example employer takes adverse action against a person who is an employee or prospective employee because of race, skin colour , sex, sexual preference , age, physical or mental disability, marital status, religion , political opinion or pregnancy. It can occur if for example a woman applies for a job but the employer does not want to give her job , because he wants a guy. If he didn t mention in the job description , that he is just hiring guys, the woman got discriminated by him. f. No, Helen s employer has not acted ethically. Her employer broke the law, because he took adverse action against her age. Just because , Helen is old, this doesn t mean she is unable to learn new information technology. g. The federal and state authorities to resolve the situationShow MoreRelatedThe Current Industrial Relations Legislation990 Words à |à 4 Pages5 Current industrial relations legislation The federal system IR for most Australian employers and employees, including Vitoria. Vitoria in the early 1990s to its general industrial relations to the federal jurisdiction, the country s employees are still part of the federal labor relations system. 5.1 The Commonwealth Powers (Industrial Relations) Act 1996 The purpose of this act is to mention some matters related to the Commonwealth Parliament in Vitoria and career, including mediation and arbitrationRead MoreThe Division Of Law-making Powers In Australia1258 Words à |à 4 PagesAustralia s Federal System is dynamic and the division of lawmaking power between the Commonwealth and State since 1901 has changed dramatically; Critically discuss, focussing on the major reasons for those changes. On the first of January 1901 Australia became a federation when the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act came into force. Since this time, Australia has been a federated country, consisting of a Commonwealth Parliament and six State Parliaments these being Tasmania, Victoria,Read More The Australian Constitution And The Use Of Convention Essay1414 Words à |à 6 Pagesform the Commonwealth of Australia in 1901. It consists of eight chapters and 128 sections and lays down a set of laws or restraints by which the Federal Government must operate. It establishes the composition, procedures, functions, and powers of government, government authorities, such as the Governor General and other essential institutions. The Constitution is the basic framework for a civilised and well-governed Australia. However in the recent past, reason for parliamentary and federal concernRead MoreKirby And Callinan Jj Argue Favour Of Maintaining The Federal Balance Of Power1509 Words à |à 7 Pagesth e federal balance of power. This essay critically evaluates Kirby and Callinan judgments in regard to the proper regard the federal balance should have on Constitutional interpretation. The concept of a normative framework for interpretation is discussed, and whether or not is was reasonable in this case for the minority to use the federal balance as a filter through which to see the legislationââ¬â¢s constitutional validity. Kirby J Kirby places great emphasis on the maintenance of the federal balanceRead MoreThe High Court of Australia1227 Words à |à 5 PagesHigh Court The High Court of Australia is apart of the Federal Court hierarchy, sitting above the Victorian hierarchy. The High Court is the most prestigious court in Australia and can be found in the ACT. The High Court is split into three levels depending on the number of justices and what is being heard; the High Court (1 justice), The Full Court of the High Court (not less than two justices) and the Full Bench of the High Court (5-7 justices). The main role of the High Court is to interpretRead MoreThe Creation of Federal Laws in Australia1244 Words à |à 5 PagesThe Creation of Federal Laws in Australia The Commonwealth of Australia was created with the 1901 unification of six recently independent British colonies. All were solidified under the authorship of a Constitution that same year which predicated the form of government and the legal orientation of the new nation. (AG, p. 1) In doing so, it also vested the power to create federal laws in Australian Parliament and, in one sense, gave it exclusive authority to do so. And in this sense, one might renderRead MoreThe Importance Of Voting For A Candidate For Office1667 Words à |à 7 Pagesfor a resolution of an issue. Voting takes place in the context of a large-scale national or regional election, however, local and community elections can be just as poignant to individual participation in government. Every Australian citizen who is aged 18 years or more can vote in a federal election if validly enrolled and not disqualified from voting. Political participation is the basis of democracy and a vital part of the ââ¬Ëright to v oteââ¬â¢. Australiaââ¬â¢s constitution has framed the progressive democracyRead MoreThe Legal Balance Of The Federal Balance1585 Words à |à 7 PagesIn WorkChoices, Kirby and Callinan JJ argue strongly in favour of maintaining the federal balance of power. This essay critically evaluates Kirby and Callinan judgments concerning the proper regard the federal balance should have on Constitutional interpretation. The concept of a normative framework for interpretation is discussed, and whether or not is was reasonable in this case for the minority to use the federal balance as a filter through which to characterise the Workplace Relations AmendmentRead MoreAustralia s Constitutional Democracy And The Federal System1750 Words à |à 7 PagesThroughout this essay, a comparison of both Australiaââ¬â¢s constitutional democracy and the federal republic system in the United States will take place. Australia and the United States are both a part of the federal system. Within the fe deral system, the national and state governments divide the power in order to govern (Parliamentary Education Office, 2016). Both Australia and the United States have two chambers, the House of Representatives and the Senate. Parliament Education office, (2016) statesRead MoreThe Division and Separation of Power944 Words à |à 4 Pagesbetween the state and Commonwealth parliaments. This division is separated into three powers, Residual, Concurrent, and Exclusive. Residual powers are those powers that the states have in areas such as, health, transport and policing, concurrent powers are those shared between the commonwealth government and state governments. Areas such as Medicare funding .The Exclusive powers are those powers granted only to the Commonwealth of Australia parliament. . Example in the Commonwealth of Australia Vs. The
Thursday, December 12, 2019
The Merits of The Marketing
Question: Write an essay onThe merits of the Marketing Vice President assertion. Answer: The merits of the Marketing Vice President assertion that he is the customer and as such the contractor must implement what he is saying are: He is one of the senior managers in the marketing department and therefore he is a better position to confirm whether the CRM solution as it is will work for his department or not. His department is part of the contractors clientele. He is one of the senior managers in XYZ company therefore he can object a decision that is going to affect the whole company in one way or another. The contractor can only obliged to the Marketing Vice President assertions to the extent of statement of work (SOW) which was the core basis of the agreement signed between the contractor and XYZ Company. The project manager should remain composed and calm and politely inform the Marketing vice-President to raise the issue with the contractor and the steering Since the project is 40% complete the effective change control procedures will help Steve and Francis to find out the best way possible to address the issue raised in the most cost effective way possible without tempering with the quality of work of the final product out-put. There would be cost overruns associated with the changes as well as the extension of time the project will be completed. There is also likelihood that the contractor will request to sign a new contract with updated SOW.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Handgun Ownership Essay Sample free essay sample
On 2nd April 2012. A shooting incident that killed seven people and injured many people happened in a university in Oakland. California. There is another hiting incident in 9 yearss subsequently in Los Angeles. Peoples starts to oppugn why it will go on and how to forestall it. Some people think that citizen should non have pistol while others deem that it is an of import right of the citizens. Therefore. I would wish to lift some grounds on both sides to discourse this hot issue. To get down with people can utilize their pistol for self-defence and amusement. In American. non every houses or flats are close constabulary Stationss. Time is besides needed for constabulary to make to victim in instance of exigency after people call 911. Therefore. owing handgun go a barbarous manner to protect victim themselves when they facing danger without the aid of constabulary. For illustration. if there is a adult male want to kill or rob you. We will write a custom essay sample on Handgun Ownership Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page you can utilize a pistol to protect yourself by merely force the trigger to wound him. Even you do non cognize how to utilize it or make non desire to ache him. a arm which is more than merely au naturel manus can scare the mobster. Besides. it is neer a good thought for a condemnable to ache a people with pistol. Furthermore. the ownership provide amusement for people. Gun nines and festival has a long is one of the most popular leisure activities in America. Peoples shoot in a safe field with the presence of teacher for merriment or to let go of emphasis. Furthermore. shot is a athleticss and involvement for people to hold amusement merely like other ball games. We can detect that it is recognized by Olympic to hold universe broad hiting competitions. On the other manus. the ownership can take to accidents and more offenses. There are some gun stores on street that allow people to obtain guns easy. Thus. the ownership provides a convenient mean for mobster to make arms for condemnable activities. Furthermore. it can do citizen to make offense easy in instance of most of the people have handgun. For case. if two males get into a battle since there is an statement between them. one of them may take out a gun to injure or even slay the other 1. Furthermore. the ownership may bring forth accidents. Since that guns are merely arms and we can non do certain that guns ever work absolutely without any mistake. hence. it is possible for guns to travel off by chance. Furthermore. if grownup do non set their guns into safety infinite. kids may take it and handle it as playthings. Therefore. guns will do inflectional morphology and even go the deathly toys to kids All in all. although handgun ownership can do more inflectional morphology and offense. it is decidedly one of the of import rights for people to hold amusement and ability for self-defence. The ownership is used for offense or right intent is non depends on ordinance but the pick of people. Therefore. the authorities should set more attempt and resource on instruction alternatively of limitation.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Free Essays on Right To Kill Vs Right To Save
"Whose life is it, anyway?" A plea by the late Sue Rodrigues, a high-profile, terminally-ill resident of British Columbia, Canada, who suffered from a terminal illness. She was helped to commit suicide by a physician in violation of Canadian law. In today's society there are many disagreements about the rights and wrongs of euthanasia. Although death is unavoidable for human beings, suffering before death is unbearable, not only for terminal patients, but for the family members and friends. So what is the solution? How can we ease the suffering of those whose death is both impending and imminent? Euthanasia is clearly better choice for terminal patients than suicide. The question is however, is it morally, ethically, and socially right. In our society, suicide is always traumatic for families and friends. If there is no alternative to relieve the suffering of terminal patients, then the more humane option to suicide is euthanasia. This is not the only option however, "An option for people that are unsure of euthanasia is called DNR or do not resuscitate". This means that if the patient has a heart attack or another potentially fatal problem in the hospital, "the doctors are told to perform a `No Code,' which means that they should let the patient die! The word euthanasia is derived from the Greek word "eu" for good and "thantos" which means death and originally referred to intentional mercy killing. But the word euthanasia has acquired a more complex meaning in modern times. Supporters of euthanasia believe that a dying patient has the right to end their suffering and leave the world in a dignified manner. Those who are against euthanasia believe that man does not have the right to end another person's life no matter how much suffering they have to go through. Euthanasia is one of the most important public policy issues being debated, The outcome of debate will profoundly affect family relationships, interaction betwe... Free Essays on Right To Kill Vs Right To Save Free Essays on Right To Kill Vs Right To Save "Whose life is it, anyway?" A plea by the late Sue Rodrigues, a high-profile, terminally-ill resident of British Columbia, Canada, who suffered from a terminal illness. She was helped to commit suicide by a physician in violation of Canadian law. In today's society there are many disagreements about the rights and wrongs of euthanasia. Although death is unavoidable for human beings, suffering before death is unbearable, not only for terminal patients, but for the family members and friends. So what is the solution? How can we ease the suffering of those whose death is both impending and imminent? Euthanasia is clearly better choice for terminal patients than suicide. The question is however, is it morally, ethically, and socially right. In our society, suicide is always traumatic for families and friends. If there is no alternative to relieve the suffering of terminal patients, then the more humane option to suicide is euthanasia. This is not the only option however, "An option for people that are unsure of euthanasia is called DNR or do not resuscitate". This means that if the patient has a heart attack or another potentially fatal problem in the hospital, "the doctors are told to perform a `No Code,' which means that they should let the patient die! The word euthanasia is derived from the Greek word "eu" for good and "thantos" which means death and originally referred to intentional mercy killing. But the word euthanasia has acquired a more complex meaning in modern times. Supporters of euthanasia believe that a dying patient has the right to end their suffering and leave the world in a dignified manner. Those who are against euthanasia believe that man does not have the right to end another person's life no matter how much suffering they have to go through. Euthanasia is one of the most important public policy issues being debated, The outcome of debate will profoundly affect family relationships, interaction betwe...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Environmental Science IP 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Environmental Science IP 1 - Essay Example One of the classical examples of this type of the ecosystem is the Amazon basin of South America. It has four distinctive layers; firstly it has forest floor. This is the bottom strata or layer that is highly obscured from receiving sunlight. Only plants that are adapted to low temperatures can survive here. Besides the layer of plants, it has a decaying plant and animal matter. Notably, the rate of decaying is high because of the humid and warm conditions. The second layer is made up of understory layer; this is found between the forest floor and canopy layers. Small animals and birds find suitable habitat within it because it consists of shade-tolerant shrubs, large woody vines, and herbs. Up to 5% of the sunlight reaches this zone (Lewis, 2009). Canopy layer makes the primary area of this ecosystem. It has largest trees of 35-45 meters high which are broad-leafed and dominant. It has the highly dense flora including the epiphytes, bromeliads, mosses and lichen. Most of these epiphytic plants are attached to the branches and trunks of has diverse fauna, then the emergent layer. Besides the majority of avian species including the spider monkey, hornbill, African parrot among others are found within this layer. Lastly, the emergent layer forms the last part of this ecosystem. Unlike the canopy, this region is made up of a small number of huge trees that reaches above 45-55 meters. Hence, this part rise just above the canopy layer. Tropical rainforest is often dynamic, their structure keeping changing. Like other ecosystems, both biotic and abiotic factors affects its existence. Biotic factors include organism that ensures decomposition of the animal and plants. These fungi, bacteria, and other microscopic organisms help to provide balanced carbon cycle. Also, autotrophs and consumers such as heterotrophs such as antelope and gazelles feed on plants and herbs and thus their lives are dependent on producers. Abiotic
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Training in Crisis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Training in Crisis - Essay Example One of his demands is for immunity from the murder charge if he surrenders without harming any of the people in the house. His other demands are a case of beer and some fast food soon. He wants his demands met or "something will happen". Any occasion or incident where any person is said to be taken against his or her will for an exchange of demand or performance of an action is called hostage taking. The incident involving the man and his family held up inside their house and where he demanded for immunity from the murder, case of beer and fast food is an example of hostage taking. There are categories of hostage-takers. Hostage-takers can be classified as those of political activists, mentally stable, criminal deviants and inmates (ââ¬Å"Initial Response to a Hostage Situationâ⬠, n.d.). According to the Initial Response to a Hostage Situation (n.d.), the following are the hostage-taker categories: Political activists or terrorists are characterized as those very aggressive, im pulsive, and devoted to their causes and often demand release of political prisoner, money or even publicity. Criminal deviants are those which are likely rational but caught in criminal act and for them to be released, use hostages as way of safely escaping. Mentally unstable are hostage-takers suffering from strange psychiatric condition which are often suicidal and use hostage taking situation as means of death. The man in the scenario is considered to be a criminal deviant. The act was caused by the murder done to his neighbour and the situation is used as a means to demand for a safe escape. He threatened to kill those people with him if his demands are not given. There are may be different types of structures of law enforcement team but in general, the structure is composed of the team leader, on-scene commander, negotiator, intelligence officer, communication officer, tactical team and police psychologist. As part of the team as police psychologist, there are generally two ma in roles: (1) participation in team development, training, and selection of personnel; and (2) operational assistance during the crisis itself, including monitoring of negotiation progress, psychological profiling of hostages and HTs, assessment of danger and risk level, monitoring the mental status of negotiators and other personnel at the scene, and participating in both operational and critical incident stress debriefings following the incident . (Miller, 2007) . According to Dr. Miller, ââ¬Å"the highest fatality rate in hostage crises occurs during tactical incursion, the decision to order such an action is an excruciatingly difficult one.â⬠This is when a police psychologist becomes an integral part of the team as the tactical team. Police psychologists are very important in the crisis negotiation because they are necessary in preparing the team of people responsible in dealing with a situation such as hostage taking when lives are at stake. The police psychologist must be able to make sure that the team to deal in the situation is prepared, well trained and is ready to negotiate and save lives. They are also important in analyzing the situation and the profile of the perpetrator and the team and this will really help in making sure that the protocols are being applied and modified according to each situation. Dr. Miller (2007) stated that ââ¬Å"containment and negotiation strategies yield a 95 percent success rate in terms of resolving a hostage crisis without fatalities to either hostages or hostage-takers (HTs),
Monday, November 18, 2019
Business Analysis and Corporate Strategy of BP GROUP PLC Essay
Business Analysis and Corporate Strategy of BP GROUP PLC - Essay Example The customers had a high bargaining power in regard to petroleum products. The buyers of BP products are always price sensitive hence the company has always ensured the prices are relative low to maintain them. The bargaining power of the supplier is low in regard to BP Group Plc since the suppliers of petroleum products are few in number. The bargaining power of the supplier is also low because there is availability of suitable substitute products similar to those supplied by BP. There are other petroleum company that produces petroleum products similar to those produced by BP thereby making the bargaining power of the supplier very low. 1 The bargaining power of the buyers of petroleum products is quite higher is high since the buyers are many in number. The buyers purchase a large potion of an industry's total output and a significant potion of a supplier's annual revenue. There is a clear revelation that revenues of the company have been increasing since 2000 since the company's turnover in 2000 was less that 100 billion and in year 2005 they were over 150 billions. 2 The company has significant strengths in regard to brand name. ... Their production accounts to three percent of gasoline supply in the US. Another company's strength can be seen where BP is ranked to be the leading company in sale and distribution of solar panels. This resulted after acquiring Lucas Energy Systems and Solarex in 1980 and 2000 respectively. On the sale of photovoltaic, BP had a world market share of twenty percent in 2004 after producing 90 mega watts of solar panels. This ranking increased BP's brand loyalty hence to the advantage of the company as the sales increase drastically. Since 2000, BP Company has been eager to embrace new technology in their product. They have always ensured that their products are integrated to suit their customers' tastes and preference. This opportunity has ensured that the company is produces world class products thereby increasing their market share. BP Company has had a number of threats in terms of competition. Since year 2000, there have been a number of new companies that have been established that deal with petroleum products. This competition is a threat to the growth of BP company hence for them to prevail in the market they have to ensure they use their market strategies properly. The opportunity of BP Company is seen where the company merged with Amoco Company. The company took the merger advantage as it was able to produce other products that included solar panels. The solar panel were produced when Lucas Energy Systems and Solarex were acquired by BP in Amoco acquisition. By increasing the number of product the company dealt with, the company ensure that if the market share is low for one product, it might be high for the other products. This ensures that the company's sales will always be high
Friday, November 15, 2019
A Letter from Birmingham Jail by Martin Luther King Jr
A Letter from Birmingham Jail by Martin Luther King Jr A Letter from Birmingham Jail by Martin Luther King Jr. was written in the margins of a letter posted by the clergymen of Alabama at this time that sparked his interest and while he inhabited the jail cell for parading around without a permit. This time allowed him the ability to respond wholeheartedly to this cynical oppressing. Kings letter addresses specific points presented in the Clergymens and this direct response distinguishes Kings strong points through his powerful writing. Unethical and immoral mentions came to the attention of the Minister through the letter, and he expressed his differing views and defended his ideals and actions through Aristotles three rhetorical devices, ethos, logos, and pathos. First and foremost, King establishes his credibility to spark off his strong defense. Introducing himself as The President of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, an organization operating in every southern state, with headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia. , [with] eighty-five affiliated organizations across the South, and one of them is the Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights (Letter from Birmingham Jail 2). This credential not only puts King into a position of power but also proves that he has seen enough of the south and the problems within it to create a strong argument against his opposition. Another point that establishes this is on page seven of Letter From Birmingham Jail where King states that hes traveled through the length and breadth of Alabama, Mississippi, and all the other southern states. On sweltering summer days and crisp autumn mornings. This quote defends his credibility further because not only did King travel once through these states but multiple t imes in different seasons, and even deeper- in different trials that may have been presented. Moreover, throughout the letter, King references the Bible, presidents, and writers to establish not only his educated mind, but also his passion for righteousness and his stance as a minister. The flawless flow of his passionate response to the Clergymen also presents support for his intellect and knowledge due to keeping a reasonable head and developed grammar while inhabiting a jail cell. Many of the Kings rhetoric used that convinced his credibility to the audience also demonstrated the logic in his counterargument. In a simple paragraph, he effectively proves his point that extremism for a proper cause isnt something to discredit and should not be looked upon as a negative thing, Was not Jesus an extremist for Love,Was not Amos and Extremist of justice, was not Paul an extremist for the Christian gospel, and Abraham Lincoln,and Thomas Jefferson,The Question is not whether we will be extremists, but what kind of extremists we will be (A Letter from Birmingham Jail 6). After thoroughly tying in many influential figures in history, King then goes on to question the argument of the Clergymen stating that the demonstrations are at fault in Birmingham and not the social situation already simmering. Throughout Alabama all sorts of devious methods are used to prevent Negroes from becoming registered voters, and there are some counties in which,not a single Negro is register ed (Letter from Birmingham Jail 4) This direct attack on the truth of Alabama in this time brings a harsher light to what happens and what is overlooked to many. King then continues to state that it was his parading without a permit (4), that landed him in the jail and while it is completely fine to have such an ordinance,it becomes unjust when it is used to maintain segregation and to deny citizens the First Amendment privilege of peaceful assembly and protest (Letter from Birmingham Jail 4). This direct reference to the constitution of the United States and just and unjust laws and ordinances proves a strong point for Kings Rebuttal, which helps to defend the equal rights movement even further. Throughout the passage, after King addresses his credentials and furthers I through his knowledgeable and strong rebuttals of logic, his argument plays further into the conscious of his audience through well put references and emotional instances. One powerful example of Kings pull on the readers consciousness in his letter is on page three when he refutes the argument of the Clergymen saying that Colored people should just wait. While many words truly stand out, Kings true effect was mastered by the appeal to the parents in the group, When you have to concoct an answer for a five-year-old son who is asking: Daddy, why white people treat colored people so mean (Letter from Birmingham Jail 3)? Then again, humiliation day in and day out by nagging signs (Letter from Birmingham Jail 3) and even further, when you are forever fighting a degenerating sense of nobodiness (Letter from Birmingham Jail 3). Another element that helps support Kings point in his letter is the fervent repetition o f his blatant disappointment in more than simply the clergymen, but their Christian faith and the churches in service within Alabama during this time. King repeats how disappointed he was in the common whites also and their bystander reactions to racial issues. The fact that this man, a minister, beneath the said extremist white clergymen, and inhabiting a jail cell during that time, who was disappointed in people showed a true depth which hit the audience profoundly. (King) These three elements to Martin Luther Kings letter aid it to be the most effective argument against the Clergymens rash and irrational spark of a letter. Because he sought to the demands and claims so logically, and rebutted with passion and clarity, Kings message was put across and he demonstrated what he needed to put his point across and defend his actions and ideals. The strength of this letter allowed a clear voice to hopefully change mindsets and common misconceptions within Birmingham, Alabama and did not allow the irregularities of the Clergymen to cloud minds with incorrect thoughts. Works Cited: King, Martin Luther, Jr. Letter from Birmingham Jail. The Norton Anthology of African American Literature. Ed. Henry Louis Gates, Jr. and Nellie Y. McKay. New York: Norton, 1997. 1854-66.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Immanuel Kants Theory of Judgment Essay example -- Immanuel Kant, 201
What are, and what are the differences between, judgments of perception and judgments of experience for Kant? Understanding how the mind works has been a major goal throughout philosophy, and an important piece of this deals with how humans come to experience the world. Many philosophers have attempted to investigate this issue, and Hume successfully proposed a framework by which human understanding could be understood. This writing, however, spurred Kantââ¬â¢s philosophical mind, awaking him from his ââ¬Å"dogmatic slumberâ⬠and leading him to develop his own framework to define thought. As Kant strongly disagreed with Humeââ¬â¢s stance that ââ¬Å"it was entirely impossible for reason to think a priori,â⬠he set to correct Humeââ¬â¢s misguided view of custom in regards to objective and subjective reality.à ¹ The outside world, as defined by Kant, is referred to as nature, and ââ¬Å"nature considered materialiter is the totality of all objects of experienceâ⬠(Kant, 36). Human interaction with nature leads to judgments of experience, and these are empirical by def inition (p. 38). Empirical judgments are not limited to judgments of experience, however. Judgments of perception and judgments of experience constitute all empirical judgments, and there are significant differences between the two (p. 38). In order to properly define judgments of perception and judgments of experience, one must first examine the general framework for thought that precedes them. Kant begins by breaking cognition into two distinct parts: analytic and synthetic judgments (p. 9). Analytic judgments are simply statements about the status of some object, and essentially serve as definitions. Analytic judgments are true by virtue, as they ââ¬Å"express nothing in the predicate but what has... ... when looking at pure understanding. Because these concepts exist a priori, it is interesting that they are used in the understanding of experience. Kant is careful in his application of his framework, however, as a goal in his writing was to outline boundaries of metaphysics as a science, and to determine if ââ¬Å"such a thing as metaphysics be at all possibleâ⬠(p. 1). Unfortunately for Kant, it is impossible for all things to be described with objective reality, as seen in his case of the soul (p. 86). While ââ¬Å"determinable bounds [to reason] cannot be thought,â⬠Kant successfully established a framework to examine thought and experience (p. 87). This framework exists in itself as subjective, however, and truly shows how pervasive metaphysics is. Works Cited Kant, Immanuel. Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics. New York: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc., 1950.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Discuss personal therapist variables
The literature on therapist effectiveness had found support for the importance of the personal experience and background of the therapist. This would imply that counseling effectiveness does not rely only on the theoretical orientation and academic training, but also on the values, principles, emotional stability, self-awareness, and optimism of the therapist (Seligman, 2006).As a student of the counseling process, I am fairly certain that being optimistic, open-minded and emotionally mature are what I consider my strengths and which will help me become a more effective therapist. Counseling is a helping profession and I believe that we could not give to others what we do not have. As a therapist, one must be able to reserve judgment, to accept clients unconditionally and have the willingness to help.Emotional maturity is said to be borne from experience and age (Sperry, Carlson & Kjos, 2003), and although I am not advanced in age, I know that I am emotionally mature because I have a lready experienced a number of difficult situations in my childhood which also gives me an insight into the feelings and thoughts of my clients, I am in a better position to understand them, because I have experienced what they are going through.However, this advantage may also have its own flaw since transference can easily occur in this situation. I have a good grasp of who I am as a person, but I think that I still need to work on my inner self-awareness as well as determining what values are predominant in my life and how I can deal with how my values might influence my relationships with my clients. Nevertheless, I am confident that through this course and in the coming terms, I would be able to deal effectively with the said limitations.I had always been a firm believer of manââ¬â¢s capacity for growth, and I have to say that my counseling approach would be evocative or client-directed (Seligman, 2006). I think that when people are given the opportunity to think and confron t their own issues and problems, they would be able to realize the solutions to their problems. As a therapist, it is my responsibility to help clients become more self-aware, define their identities, become independent and confident. Thus, I am more inclined to use listening skills, empathy, and genuineness in my counseling sessions.
Friday, November 8, 2019
The Life of Olaudah Equiano essays
The Life of Olaudah Equiano essays Olaudah Equiano was a figure in history that made a large impact on many people during his time and still on ours. He created an uprising for many anti-slavery advocates. He brought out many things that were not visible to the people that did not know how slaves were brought to the different countries and how badly they were treated. It showed people how poorly other men were treated just because the color of their skin and the country they lived at. He struggled through many tough times, but he survived all the trials of life he was put through. This man is a strong man with much honor and pride, and a great advocate against slavery. Olaudah suffered through many trials and tribulations on his way over to the West Indies. He was reunited with his sister but only for a short while until she was separated from him and brought to a different slave master. One of the most troubling parts for him was probably for him to be separated from his family. He was in love and was very close to his mother, and then he couldnt even speak when he was reunited with his sister for awhile after they were reunited. This is such a big reason anybody could see why slavery can be viewed as such a horrible thing because family is such an important thing to everybody. To be separated from them so forcefully would be such a big thing especially at such a young age. While on the ride over on the ship he had a confrontation with his slave master over his name. His master wanted his name to be Gustavus Vassa and Olaudah did not like it so he decided to refuse to answer to his new name. So due to his bravery in going against his slave master he was cuffed. Eventually he decided to stick with this name and was known by that name for the rest of his life. Olaudah Equiano would not even eat for an extensive period of time unless he was forced by the slave owners to eat. The thought of not knowing what was really ...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Alcohol1 essays
Alcohol1 essays There are some 14 million people in the United States and 1 out of every 13 adults are considered alcoholics or at least experience drinking problems to some degree. Most people just dont understand the consequences of drinking. Alcoholism is a disease and unless something is done, more and more will be affected by this dangerous drug. A bad withdraw from this drug can lead to death, not even heroin results in death as The majority of people see alcohol as a social outlet and does not consider it to be as dangerous as it may really be. Alcoholism is an often-progressive disease with symptoms that include a strong need to drink despite negative consequences, such as serious job and health problems. The thing about alcohol is that a person does not need to be an alcoholic to experience problems with alcohol. Just a couple of drinks for anyone can result in irresponsible behavior, clumsiness, slurred speech, loss of balance, If you are diagnosed as an alcoholic you can not just try to cut down on drinking and think that this will help. Studies show that nearly all alcoholics who try to merely cut down on drinking are unable to do so indefinitely. Instead, cutting out alcohol is nearly necessary for successful recovery. Alcohol has direct toxic as well as sedative effects on the body, and failure to take care of nutritional and other physical needs during prolonged periods of excessive drinking may further complicate matters. Some cases even require hospitalization. The effects on major organ systems can be dramatic. A wide rang of digestive-systems can be affected, such as ulcers, inflammation of the pancreas, and cirrhosis of the liver. The central and peripheral nervous systems can be permanently damaged. In advanced cases, abstinence from alcohol may result in a ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Leadership and Ethics Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Leadership and Ethics - Coursework Example 23-30). However, ethics and good leadership are subjective topics and are commonly a reflection of the civilization. Therefore, the perceptions change depending on the context and time of argument. In my view, an ethical leader demonstrates normatively appropriate conduct based on personal attributes and interpersonal relationships. Such leaders coordinate followers through a structured two-way communication, reinforcement, and decision-making. In line with the theme of focus, ethical leadership framework manifests through strategic planning, cultural transformation, and leadership development. My concept of ethical leadership entails distinctive principles. First, an ethical leader guides the organization to deliver services beyond legal obligations. Frequently, the principle involves doing more than the minimum requirement of following the established federal laws and regulations (Fluker, 2009, p. 34-30). Corporations that apply this principle benefit from lower employee turnover, greater customer loyalty, and maximum profits. For example, giving more may entail environmental stewardship, better remunerations and management of the product chain. Second, ethical leadership principle elaborates the importance of business honesty. Therefore, ethical leaders promise what they are capable of deliver, engage in honest advertising, and inform employees about issues that might affect job security and practices fair competition. In common, business honesty also translates into maximized income and success. Similarly, leadership strategy that lacks ethical clarity results to economic and moral bankruptcy. In line with the highlighted principles, unethical leadership structures contribute to business failures. The approach typically creates mistrust among employees, suppliers and customers. An unethical practice also exposes the company to unnecessary legal dilemmas and attracts several fines or bans. Achievement of the
Friday, November 1, 2019
Bearing Capacity of Soils Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Bearing Capacity of Soils - Lab Report Example If this is not properly done, then the structures are likely to collapse, resulting in massive catastrophes. Sound engineering principles should be employed in the design of such structures in order to avoid potential loses in human life and property (William Powrie 53). à There are two major types of foundations; shallow and deep. While shallow foundations are located just below the structures they support, deep foundations extend deep into the earthââ¬â¢s crust. Shallow foundations are thus also called footings or mats, whereas deep foundations can also be called piles, or drilled shafts (Braja M. Das 123). The type of foundation used depends on two factors; the size of the structure to be built, and the category of soil on which the structure is to be built. Big structures require bigger foundations than smaller structures. On the other hand, organic soils also require bigger foundations compared to cohesive soils.Problem Description1.à Calculate the required size for a bui lding column footing under a given load.2.à Determine the effect of varying water contents on the compressive strength of the soil.Procedureà The lab was conducted following the following procedure:1.à A test specimen with known percentage of water was selected. The group used soil with 15% water content. This specimen was created by mixing 22.5 grams of water with 127.5 grams of dry clay.2.à The next step involved filling the mold with the soil-water mixture in three equal layers using the tamping device. The top of the first and second layers.
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Book report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2
Book report - Essay Example However, the Chinese artistic traditions were usually only partially valued in the Western world. For example, researchers more often studied Chinese sculpture and paid little attention to such a valuable form of art in China as calligraphy. In this regard, in his book Clunas attempts to compensate for such a one-sided traditional approach to the study of art in China, as for one he describes the mentioned virtual omission by Western scholars of calligraphy as an art form in favor of painting, and even points out that the cognomen "Chinese Art" is mostly a Western concept. In reality, as we learn, for the most period of its history in China artistic sphere was closely connected with its functions, be they decorative, religious, or political in nature. Now contrast this with the notion of a kind of an isolated museum exhibition that may arise from the Western approach to the study of art, and we may understand why Chinese art has not been fully appreciated in the West and what potenti al benefits the approach of Clunas may offer. With the mentioned innovative approaches to his investigation Craig Clunas apparently manages to penetrate deep within his subject of study due to his organic combination of study of Chinese arts in their proper contexts with attention to all their essential aspects, starting from tomb artifacts and up to the Mao Zedong era. Interestingly, with these observations in mind we can also think of Clunas`s book as simultaneously a critical investigation of the Western perception of Chinese art. Let us see how the author tackles the task that he has set before him. This can already be seen from an introduction where, instead of attempts to superficially describe the most important artists and works of art of different periods of history, Clunas rather chooses to elaborate on the plausible historic context that accompanied works of Chinese art. As we learn, it turns out
Monday, October 28, 2019
Role of Spirituality in Patients with Sickle Cell Disease Essay Example for Free
Role of Spirituality in Patients with Sickle Cell Disease Essay Spirituality, as defined in this article entitled Role of Spirituality in Patients with Sickle Cell Disease, is the capacity to rise above life experiences, to celebrate life, and to experience joy. Spirituality is comprised of acceptance, the need for love, mercifulness, and self-fulfillment and it applies to all mankind; on the other hand, being religious is relative to the personââ¬â¢s religious group and its practices (Cooper-Effa, et al. , 2001). They have divided a personââ¬â¢s spiritual well-being into involving a religious component or a relationship with God and an existential component, which involves the individualââ¬â¢s sense of life purpose. It was concluded in this study that those patients with a relatively high existential component were able to cope up more with the pain and the over-all outcome of the disease. It has been known that spirituality can increase the ability to tolerate pain (cited in Landis, 1996). This concept can be applied by getting the patientââ¬â¢s cooperation and trust, and then the nurse will facilitate a talk about spirituality. This will empower the patient to establish his spirituality and the nurse will also be able to develop closer ties with the patient, improving rapport. The nurse can further help the patient by getting him a spiritual counselor, as per patientââ¬â¢s request. By helping the patient strengthen his spirituality, an improvement in the patientââ¬â¢s over-all outlook on the disease, on life, and a probability of lesser pain may take place. Holistic practice in nursing is very important nowadays. As a nurse, there are several skills that should be present to help clientââ¬â¢s achievement of spiritual needs. The nurse should be open to all kinds of religion and beliefs, he must try to maintain open minded. He or she should respect these beliefs and religious practices by not questioning the nature of these and by participating in these activities whenever the client wishes the nurse to. Also, nurses cannot let their own beliefs take over them. If there are circumstances wherein the nurse finds that he is unable to accept a clientââ¬â¢s belief or practice, then it would be best for the nurse to ask for help from another nurse discreetly. Patience, understanding, and wisdom are needed for a successful patient and nurse interaction. References Journal of the American Board of Family Practice. (2001). Role of Spirituality in Patients with Sickle Cell Disease. Retrieved February 01, 2008, from http://www. medscape. com/viewarticle/405838_1.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Doomed From the Start Essay -- Harper Lee Kill Mockingbird Essays
Doomed From the Start Throughout the course of history, blacks have always been second to the whites. Even after the Civil War, segregation and racists groups were at large. During this time, white men were disrespectful towards black men. Groups like the K.K.K. wanted nothing less than white supremacy, and they would stop at nothing to obtain this goal. Many blacks were lynched, or even killed only because of the color of their skin. The following are examples of this; the Scottsboro case, lynching by the Klan, and many forms of segregation from the 1920ââ¬â¢s till 1930ââ¬â¢s. Also in Harper Leeââ¬â¢s book, To Kill a Mockingbird, Tom Robinson never has a chance to plead innocent because of his black skin. During the 1930ââ¬â¢s, nine young black men were falsely accused of raping two white women on a freight train near Paint Rock, Alabama. Ruby Bates and Victoria Price accused Charlie Weems, Ozie Powell, Clarence Norris, Olen Montgomery, Willie Roberson, Haywood Patterson, Andy and Roy Wright, and Eugene Williams of this crime. The boys were arrested on March 25, 1931. All but Roy Wright were sentenced to the death penalty. They were all convicted on very little evidence. It came down to two white womenââ¬â¢s words against the black menââ¬â¢s. After many lawyers failed to win the defendantââ¬â¢s release in 1936, a plea bargain was arranged where four of the defendants were released. However, the remaining five continued to carry out their sentence. Because there was no real evidence to keep them in jail, the last defendant was freed in 1950 (Kelly 1-2). After the Civil War, lynching was practiced by the K.K.K. Lynching is the legal execution of a person by a mob. On November 7, 1837, Elijah Parish Lovejoy, the editor of the Al... ...he balcony. This proved that the whites thought that they were better than any black man. Finally, the jury was all white. Since a white man would never believe a black man word over a white womenââ¬â¢s word, Tom Robinson just like the Scottsboro Boys, were doomed from the start. Work Cited Kelly, Robin. "The Case of The "Scottsboro Boys"." Online posting. 23 Jun.1996. . 12 March, 2001. <>. Lee, Harper. To Kill A Mockingbird. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: J.B. Lippincott Company, 1982. Reich, Steve. "Implementation of Segregation." Online posting. 22 Feb.1996. . 12 March, 2001. <>. Simkin, John. "Lynching." Online posting. . . 12 March, 2001. <>.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Stephen Crane and His Unique Choice of Subjects :: essays research papers
Stephen Crane à à à à à Stephen Crane was born on November 1, 1871 in New Jersey. Crane became a writer at the age of twenty-one and died of tuberculosis at the age of twenty-eight. Craneââ¬â¢s sister, Agnes, raised him and tutored him. She eventually became a schoolteacher. His parents were very religious and his father had an essay published in an 1869 issue of Popular Amusements. Crane ââ¬Å"felt himself unworthy of his father because he fell short of his fatherââ¬â¢s moral principles and his nobility of spiritual outlook.â⬠He studied poverty, war, and life and death struggle. ââ¬Å"Crane united from the beginning an iron self-assurance with a deep shyness.â⬠à à à à à In ââ¬Å"The Red Badge of Courageâ⬠Crane describes the characters in depth. He chose a significant event in Americas history and wrote about it. During the Civil War while a Union regiment is based along a river, a tall soldier named Jim Conklin spreads a rumor that the army will march within a day. A new recruit, Henry Fleming, feels that if he were to see battle he would run like a coward. When the regiment marches they meet up with the enemy but Henry is unable to flee because he is surrounded. The Union regiment stops the charge of the Confederate. The next day the Confederates charge again and this time Henry is able to flee from the scene. Later he meets up with a group of wounded soldiers walking down the road and he believes that a wound is like ââ¬Å"a red badge of courageâ⬠. He meets a soldier with extremely deep wounds and then recognizes that it is Jim Conklin. While they are walking down the road Jim Conklin runs off behind the bushes and dies where the other soldiers can not see him. Henry wanders through the forest alone until he comes to a battlefield. He attempts to stop one of the soldiers to ask what is going on but he gets hit in the head with the soldierââ¬â¢s rifle. Another soldier takes Fleming back to his regimentââ¬â¢s camp. His friend Wilson cares for him because he thinks that Fleming has been shot in the head. The next day the regiment goes back to the battlefield and this time Henry stays and fights in Jim Conklinââ¬â¢s honor. Wilson and Henry overhear an officer making fun of their regimentââ¬â¢s style of fighting so they go out to prove him wrong.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Finc2011 Major Assignment Essay
Executive summary Woolworths Limited (WOW), which is one of the listed companies in Australian Security Exchange (ASX) (ASX 200), is the largest supermarket in Australia (Kruger 2013), it specializes in the groceries, food and retailing (WOOLWORTHS LIMITED (WOW) 2013). The aim of this report is to estimate and determine the dividend growth rate, stock return and current share price of Woolworths. Methods used for the estimation include dividend growth model, Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) and Gordonââ¬â¢s Growth Model. The results of the estimation indicate that the dividend payments will continuous increasing in the future, the return on the companyââ¬â¢s assets is reasonable and its share price is expected to rise. In addition, recommendations associated with the investment decision will be provided to the public investors regarding to the risks in the market by comparing with companies within the same industry. However, there are still a number of limitations of the report such as a few assumptions are made for calculations and limitations due to the difference of risk free rate. Calculation of Growth Rate: The approach used to estimate the growth rate (g) for dividend payments of Woolworths is: g = Ploughback Ratio x Return on Equity (ROE) Ploughback Ratio = 1 ââ¬â Payout Ratio In which, payout ratio refers to the ratio of dividends to earnings per share (EPS) (Brealey, Myers and Allen 2011). Souce: Based on the figures above, the growth rate (g) for the 2012 should be: g = (1 ââ¬â 0.8528) x 0.2722 = 4.01% In order to figure out a more accurate growth rate, the average should be taken from 2008 to 2012. As it is shown in the table, the average g = 7.68%. According to Woolworthââ¬â¢s annual report (2012), the payout ratio is quite stable, despite there is a sudden increase in 2012; hence, we could assume that the dividend payout ratio is constant. Meanwhile, although Woolworthsââ¬â¢ Return on Equity (ROE) shows a slight decrease from 2008 to 2012, it is still fairly steady ââ¬â close to 28%. Since both of two assumptions ââ¬â constant dividend payout and return on equity ââ¬â are satisfied (Mellare 2013), g = Ploughback x ROE is suppose to be an appropriate method to estimate the dividend growth rate for Woolworths. Calculation of required return using CAPM Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) is a method used to measure the risk and return of an asset, which describes that each expected risk premium of an asset should rise in proportion to its beta (Brealey, Myers and Allen 2011): In which, ri refers to the return on asset, rf refers to the risk free rate of return, beta is the covariance and (rm-rf) is the market risk premium (Brealey, Myers and Allen 2011). To begin with, risk free rate (rf) should be determined. Generally, 10 years government bonds rate is considered to be risk free rate as it is commonly believed that a government would be unlikely to default on its obligations (McNickle 2011). However, it does not mean that government bonds face no risks, it still encounter inflation and interest rate risk (Brealey, Myers and Allen 2011). Source: According to the Capital Market Yields ââ¬â 10 years Government Bonds provided by Reserve Bank of Australia (2013), the 10-year government bond rates in 21th May 2013 is 3.26%, which should be used as the risk free rate (rf) for the calculation of CAPM. Source: However, those may argue that based on the historical data from Australian Taxation Office (2013) ââ¬â the table above, the average of risk free rate from 2003 to 2012 is calculated to be 5.34%, which should be the risk free rate for the calculation instead of 3.26%. Nevertheless, since the risk free rate is always changing, in order to estimate the return for asset more accurately, the current risk free rate 3.26% is supposed to be taken for the estimation. In this stage, the risky required return (rm), the same as market return, should be calculated. Stock market index is an approach to evaluate the value of stock market and S&P/ASX 200 is the most significant stock market index which tracks the performance of two hundred big Australian corporations (Australia Stock Market (S&P/ASX 200) 2013). Currently, S&P/ASX 200 is a primary share market index in Australia which replaced the All Ordinaries in April 2000 and has become the benchmark for investment for the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) (ASX 200 2013). Therefore, S&P/ASX 200 is the best indicator of the market return and used to determine the market return. Source: Based on the data from S&P/ASX 200 Accumulation index (daily), which is provided by Mellare (2013), the yearly index could be calculated by averaging all of the daily indexes for that year. Yearly market return (rm) can be determined by: In which, old market index refers to the index for year t and new index is the index for year (t+1). A table for the calculation of market return will be created in a similar way with the S&P/ ASX200 table (see Appendix ââ¬â 1) for the periods of 10 years in order to comply with ASX. Due to the prices in 2013 is not completed, the market return for financial year (FY) 2012 cannot be estimated reliably. Importantly, averaging rm for 10 years from FY 2002 to FY 2011 is significant for the purpose of determining a more accurate figure. As a result, rm = 8.31%. Because rm is the sum of the risk free interest rate (rf) and a premium for risk (Brealey, Myers and Allen 2011), the risk premium, as a part of CAPM equation, can be calculated through: rm = rf + risk premium risk premium = rm ââ¬â rf Based on the previous analysis, rf = 3.26% and rm = 8.31%, risk premium = 8.31% ââ¬â 3.26% = 5.09%. According to the report from last year, the market risk premium is estimated to be 6.0% in October (Michael, Blake and Zolotic 2012), the estimated value of 5.09% is reasonable. According to the financial information from Reuters (2013), Woolworthsââ¬â¢ beta (à ²) = 0.34. Therefore, by applying CAPM: Calculation of Next Dividend Payment The next dividend payment should be determined by using: In which, d0 is the current dividend payment, d1 is the dividend for the next financial year and g is the growth rate. Souce: The table above shows the dividend history of Woolworths (Morningstar 2013). Since, the total dividend payment in 2012 is $67+59 = $126 cents/$1.26 per share, which should be d0, and the growth rate is estimated to be 7.68% in the previous calculations, d1 = 1.26*(1+7.68%) = $1.36, which is the total dividend payment for 2013. As the interim dividend for 2013 has already paid on 26/04/2013, the final dividend for 2013 which is the next dividend payment should be: $1.36ââ¬â0.62=$0.74 per share. Determination of Expected Current Share Price The constant divident growth model, which is Gordonââ¬â¢s Growth Model, is used for estimating the current share price: In which, P0 refers to the current share price, d1 is the divident payment for the next year, re is the required rate of return and g is the growth rate. In order to calculate the current price P0, firstly, d1 need be calculated which should be the dividend for the next year ââ¬â 2014. Hence, d1 = 1.36*(1+7.68%) = $ 1.46 As required rate of return (re) consists of both capital gains and dividend yields (Mellare 2013) and capital gains is the same as g (Mathis 2001), re = capital gains (g) + dividend yields. Souce: According to the historical data from annural report of Woolworth (2012), taking the average of all of the dividend yields for the last five years ââ¬â from 2008 to 2012, the dividend yield = 3.8808%. Therefore, re = 7.68% + 3.88% = 11.56% Lastly, the expected current share price in 2013 is: P0 = 1.46/(11.56%-7.68%) = $ 37.63 Recommodation and Discussion Investment decisions are rely on the return and risk associated with a security. According to CAPM, actural returns are measured by beta, which is defined as a securityââ¬â¢s sencitivity relative to the changes in the value of the market portfolio (Brealey, Myers and Allen 2011), over the long run. Beta of Woolworths Limited is 0.34 (Reuters 2013), which is a good sign as it indicates that the company is insensitive to the market risk. Comparing it with other companies, Wesfarmers Limited (WES), the Perth-based conglomerate which selling food to customers (Greenblat 2013), has same situation with Woolworths in terms of growing trend of dividend payment andà sharing market risk as they operates within the same industry ââ¬â food industriy. Beta of Wesfarmers is 0.96 (Reuters 2013),which means that Wesfarmers is more risky than Woolworths as it is as risky as the market porfolio (Brealey, Myers and Allen 2011). As well, beta of Goodman Fielder (GFF), another food company, is 0.98 (Reuters 2013), which means it shares almost the same risk with the market porfolio (Mellare 2013) ââ¬â realtively in the same situation with Wesfarmers. Therefore, when concerning with the risks, it is recommended to invest in Woolworths. However, under CAPM, high-beta securities will result in high return: ri = rf + à ²*(rm ââ¬â rf) As all of these three companies are in the same market, they share the same market risk but the proportion is different based on their beta. Although, securities of Wesfarmers and Goodman Fielder are more risky than Woolworths due to higher beta, they provide higher return to investors. Since investment decisions are depend on personal interests (Mellare 2013), it cannot be denied that there are a few investors prefer higher returns with higher risks. Moreover, the higher returns compensate investors for higher risk, hence, it is unlikely to determine whether invest in Woolworths is a better option. Nevertheless, investing in Woolworth is still recommended. Investing in low-risk securities provides constant and stable returns. Investing in Woolworths is worthwhile not only because Woolworths provides quite constant returns, but also its potential to growth due to its strong profitability and cash flows (WOW ââ¬â Woolworths Limited 2012). Overall, it is recommended to invest in Woolworths. It is important to notice that there are a number of limitations for this report. Firstly, the method used for calculating dividend growth is based on the assumptions ââ¬â constant dividend payout and return on equity, but in reality, both dividend payout and return on equity are unlikely to be constant. Consequently, the calculation of g may not be accurate. As well, since the 10-year government bond rate, which is considered as risk free
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
20 The Kite Runner Essay Topics to Explore
20 The Kite Runner Essay Topics to Explore Welcome to the second guide where you are provided with 20 The Kite Runner Essay Topics. These topics will help you have a better idea on what to write because all you need is a topic to give you a headstart. We already provided you with some interesting facts. But weââ¬â¢ve also included a bonus. After skimming through the topics, youââ¬â¢ll find a sample exploratory essay on one of the topics, so you can start writing immediately, taking help from the sample as you see fit. Sample essays make everything that more convenient, donââ¬â¢t they? After youââ¬â¢ve read this guide, we recommend you take a look at our final guide, informative guide for an exploratory essay on The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, which is, basically, a manual on how to write and outline for an exploratory essay. It is perfect for individuals who are looking for tips on elevating their essay to a whole new level of professionalism. So, without further delay, here are 20 essay topics on The Kite Runner: Is There Justification to Amirââ¬â¢s Jealousy for Hassan in The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini? Reasons behind Amirââ¬â¢s Guilt-Stricken Cowardice in The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini Why did the Khaled Hosseini Portray Hassan as a Rape Victim in The Kite Runner? Amirââ¬â¢s Journey Towards Becoming a Successful Novelist in The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini Causes of Fertility Issues with Amir and Soraya in The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini Is Hassan the Most Evil Character in The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini? Is Amir The Most Evil Character in The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini? Signs That Help You Predict the True Relation between Amir and Hassan in The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini What was the Role of Amir in The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini? The Types of Love Discussed in The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini Social Lessons to Learn from The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini How The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini Highlights The Immigrantsââ¬â¢ Issues The Social Gap between Amir and Hassan: What We Can Learn from This in The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini What Does the Kite Symbolize In The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini? How Does The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini Define the Afghan Culture Redemption in The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini: Does our Social Status Define Who We Are? Friendship Lessons to Learn in The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini The Picture of Afghanistan Painted in The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini How The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini Motivates Us To Confront Our Mistakes. As promised, itââ¬â¢s time to walk you through an exploratory essay on one of the above topics. This essay will act as a sample and assists you in carving out the perfect essay. Be sure to read our final guide after youââ¬â¢ve completed reading this one. With that said, here is the sample: Sample Exploratory Essay: The Culture of Afghanistan in The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini The Kite Runner is an interesting book and is very entertaining to read. However, several identities such as Janette Edwards, have exposed Hosseini and critiqued the book as inauthentic and suspicious. Since Edwards has conducted several interviews with Afghan-Americans, he thinks that the parallels between the author and character position Hosseini as an outsider to Afghanistan. According to the book, the culture of the Afghans is not quite how it is in real life. Khaled Hosseini is actually the son of a diplomat, who has spent most of his life outside Afghanistan, which, in all likelihood, could mean that he doesnââ¬â¢t know much about his culture, religion or the Afghan society, for that matter. Since most criticisms on the Kite Runner claim that the characters and situations written in the book were reckless and devising; it clearly exposes the fact that Hosseini doesnââ¬â¢t really know the fabric of the Afghan society. Furthermore, the argument holds itself strong as Khaled Hosseini got separated from Afghanistan in his childhood. If youââ¬â¢ve read ââ¬Å"The Reluctant Fundamentalistâ⬠, you know how beautifully the author views American society and merges his lead character with the society itself. The Kite Runner, however, does the opposite. There are scarce interactions with non-Afghan Americans and the author highlights only the Afghani subculture ââ¬â which, by many author criticisms, shows no consciousness. Even though Amirââ¬â¢s identification as an American seems appropriable as he achieves his American dream to become a novelist, unfortunately, there is no context in the book that exposes any kind of interaction with American society. On the other hand, the story that spans over the book is a graphic with violent accounts including rape, brutal beatings and public executions. Although, the story is fictional, the author has described it in a life-like scene, which to most of people, is indigestible and may claim that it contradicts the true culture in Afghanistan. The Kite Runner portrays possible realities that do exist all around the world ââ¬â itââ¬â¢s a story of brotherhood, sacrifice, guilt, betrayal and pretty much everything that is found in human societies. However, the author includes a few violent and horrible events in the book that not only disgust the reader, but to some extent, traumatize people, so much so that they tend to agree with the authorââ¬â¢s point of view on Afghani culture. If Hosseini had laid out his fictional story without creating such disturbing events in the book and including events that were leading characters such as Amir to interact with American society, the book would have made for a marvelous and inspiring story. However, this isnââ¬â¢t the case. Itââ¬â¢s still a good read, however it can traumatize people whoââ¬â¢ve never had the pleasure to know or experience ââ¬Å"realâ⬠Afghani culture ââ¬â itââ¬â¢s certainly not as bad as the book depicts it. Now that youââ¬â¢ve read our second guide, itââ¬â¢s time to read our final manual that explains how an exploratory essay is written. It is highly recommended that you read our informative guide for an exploratory essay thoroughly, as it will clear away any confusion you may have and assist you in writing a brilliant exploratory essay on The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini. References: The Kite Runner Summary Critical Survey of Literature for Students Ed. Laurence W. Mazzeno., Inc. 2010 27 Sep, 2016 Anis Kurilah, 2009 ââ¬Å"Social and Moral Responsibility in Khaled Hosseiniââ¬â¢s The Kite Runner: Sociological Approachâ⬠Muhammadiyah University of Surakartaà Niraja Saraswat, 2014 ââ¬Å"Theme of Identity and Redemption in Khaleed Hossieniââ¬â¢s The Kite Runnerâ⬠Vol 1, No.5, 166-175, International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies (IJIMS) ââ¬Å"The Kite Runner Chapter 24 Summary eNotes Publishing Ed. Scott Locklear., Inc. 27 Sep, 2016 N. Shamand, 2010 The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini: Historical, Political and Cultural Contexts UGC, Academic Staff College, University of Keralaà,%20Political%20%20Cultural%20Contexts.pdf Azad, F. (2004). Dialogue with Khaled Hosseini. Lemar-Aftaab, 3(4), June.à Sadat, M.H. (2004). Afghan History: kite flying, kite running and kite banning. Lemar-Aftaab, 3(4), June.à
Monday, October 21, 2019
The Mexican Revolution and Revolutionary Reformers essays
The Mexican Revolution and Revolutionary Reformers essays Reformers such as Zapata, Carranza, and Madero contrived laws or revisions to the constitution that would reform Mexico socially and economically. Reformers often fought to have these revisions enforced, but more often rallied the support of revolutionaries to carry out the revolts. Revolutionaries such as Pancho Villa also sought social and economic reform for Mexico, but they did not devise any plans or ideas; they instigated revolts in order for the reforms of others to be enforced. The Mexican Revolution of the early 20th century was not one, but two revolutions, the first against Diaz and the second against Huerta. Zapata and Madero were revolutionary reformers who were against the dictatorship of Diaz. They each had plans for agrarian and economic reform such as the Plan de Luis Potosi, which declared the election of 1910 null and void and called for agrarian reform, and the Plan de Ayala, which called for the land to be redistributed among the peasant and Indians. "Madero criticized Diaz's social policies-his genocidal Indian wars and violent repression of strikes...he proposed a policy of modest concessions to peasants and workers[.]"(Keen, p.270) "Diaz's regime was marked my brutal tyranny. Under Diaz, foreign investors drained a great part of the country's wealth, much of the ancient communal lands (ejidos) of the Native Americans was concentrated in the hands of a relatively small number of landowners, and poverty and illiteracy were widespread. DÃ az suppressed Manifestations of the resulting social discontent with an iron hand until the Mexican Revolution of 1910." Madero, Zapata, a nd the revolutionist Pancho Villa, among others, led a revolt against Diaz, which forced him to resign the presidency on May 25, 1911. This concludes the first part of the revolution. The second part of the Mexican Revolution begins shortly after the assassination of Madero by Huerta. "Huerta's seizure of power, which was greeted by rejoic...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Nabisco Brands History and Timeline
Nabisco Brands History and Timeline In 1898, the New York Biscuit Company and the American Biscuit and Manufacturing Company merged over 100 bakeries into the National Biscuit Company, later called Nabisco. Founders Adolphus Green and William Moore, orchestrated the merger and the company quickly rose to first place in the manufacturing and marketing of cookies and crackers in America. In 1906, the company moved its headquarters from Chicago to New York. Favorites like Oreo Cookies, Barnumââ¬â¢s Animal Crackers, Honey Maid Grahams, Ritz crackers, and Wheat Thins became staples in American snack foods. Later, Nabisco added Planters Peanuts, Fleishmannââ¬â¢s margarines and spreads, A1 Steak Sauce, and Grey Poupon mustards to its offerings. Timeline 1792 Pearson Sons Bakery opens in Massachusetts. They make a biscuit called pilot bread that is consumed on long sea voyages.1801 Josiah Bent Bakery first coined the term crackers for a crunchy biscuit they produce.1889 William Moore acquires Pearson Sons Bakery, Josiah Bent Bakery, and six other bakeries to start the New York Biscuit Company.1890 Adolphus Green starts the American Biscuit Manufacturing Company after acquiring forty different bakeries.1898 William Moore and Adolphus Green merge to form the National Biscuit Company. Adolphus Green is president.1901 The name Nabisco is first used as part of a name for a sugar wafer.1971 Nabisco becomes the corporate name.1981 Nabisco merges with Standard Brands.1985 Nabisco Brands merges with R.J. Reynolds.1993 Kraft General Foods acquires NABISCO ready-to-eat cold cereals from RJR Nabisco.2000 Philip Morris Companies, Inc. acquires Nabisco and merges it with Kraft Foods, Inc.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Personal Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Personal Change - Essay Example no longer loved my grandmother; instead, it was the result of the fact that she no longer spent so much time watching me due to the fact that I grew up and no longer needed such a high level of care. The ending to the situation came about right after my grandmother had a stroke. It was at this point that she was no longer capable of taking care of herself and required nearly constant care by either a loved one or a professional caretaker. As the situation progressed, I reclused into a type of neutral zone where the feelings, thoughts, and childhood closeness I shared with my grandmother were but a distant memory; although a happy one. Due to the fact that she was just a shell of her former self during this time, it was impossible for me to rebuild the relationship we had once enjoyed during my youth. It was at this point that I made the fateful decision to withdraw myself from her and not spend the time that I would have been happy to spend with her had this occurred during my early youth. Sadly, the new beginning only came after my grandmother had passed away from a second stroke. This new beginning was of course something that I should have realized far sooner but due to my own selfish motives and lack of patience, had not come to grips with yet. Due to my grandmotherââ¬â¢s passing, I instantly regretted the fact that I had not made a more concerted effort to be with her during her final years. Although I still loved her deeply, I realized that it was my own selfish nature that had kept us apart and caused me to miss out on the very last chance I would ever have to speak with and spend time with my grandmother. As the old saying goes, ââ¬Å"you never appreciate something until you lose itâ⬠. In this way, this new beginning caused me to come to a full and complete appreciation for this as well as purposing within my own mind to not let another such situation occur without me doing all my best to spend the quality time with the loved one prior to the risk of
Friday, October 18, 2019
Trade and Other Barriers of the US and EU Governments Essay
Trade and Other Barriers of the US and EU Governments - Essay Example NAFTA outlined that import tariffs on sugar imports from Mexico would, over a 15 year period, eventually be phased out, thereby allowing duty free imports to enter the country (USDA 2005). Since NAFTAââ¬â¢s inception in 1994, Mexico now enjoys a more liberal volume of sugar to enter the United States under this agreement whereby tariffs have been excised. As such, under this agreement, the United States is obligated to remove quotas on sugar imports into the country, giving Mexico a considerable export advantage. NAFTA is a trade agreement between Canada and Mexico that is unlike other trade agreements between other countries that import and export raw sugar and processed sugar-containing products. Obligations under NAFTA allow member nations to deliver fluctuating volumes of raw and processed sugar products when Canada and Mexico have achieved a surplus. This is regardless of the volume of sugar produced domestically in the United States. Brazil, being one of the largest sugar pr oducers in the world, is impacted by NAFTA in terms of the quotas established on sugar imports to the United States. The United States must abide by agreements that have been established with trading partners, whilst also attempting to protect its own domestic sugar-producing industry. The U.S. also signed an agreement in conjunction with the World Trade Organization referred to as the Uruguay Round Agreement that guarantees the country will accept a minimum of 152,691 metric tonnes of raw cane sugar from Brazil annually (Federal Register 2011). Hence, the United States has over-extended its obligations for delivery of in-quota raw sugar imports from Mexico and the United States. Brazil, unlike Mexico, is subject to very high tariff rates on sugar products in an effort to deter Brazilian exports from entering the country, which are imposed above the in-quota volume from Brazil at 152,691 metric tonnes. The out-of-quota tariff rate (on quantities over the specified in-quota volume) i s 78 percent (Hornbeck 2006), whilst in-quote amounts guaranteed under the Uruguay Round Agreement are subject to very low import duties. If Brazil and other trading countries are willing to pay the exuberant 78 percent tariff on sugar, there are no restrictions for exporters in terms of the volume allowed into the United States. However, Brazil is also a nation that consumes a great deal of its total production output of sugar, thus when Brazil achieves surplus, it is far more advantageous to export the surplus into neighbouring nations or other international buyers that do not have the internal sugar production capacity as in Brazil or the agricultural prowess in raising sugar beets and sugar cane. This 78 percent tariff is the United Statesââ¬â¢ methodology of ensuring that domestic production of sugar and sugar-related products is not negatively impacted by export volumes entering the nation. Outside of the in-quota volume guaranteed for allowance into the United States, Braz il is subject to varying tariffs depending on the type of sugar or sugar-containing product produced in the country.
Construction & Diagnostic of Recombinant DNA Plasmid Research Paper
Construction & Diagnostic of Recombinant DNA Plasmid - Research Paper Example The experiment established that the competency of cells increased greatly.Ã In the next experiment, running PCR provided me with an amplified His3 gene which is used in subsequent steps to transform haploid yeast. Transformation occurred through homologous recombination. The experiment proved that specific integration does occur although cases of non-specific integration are rampant. In the next experiment, I constructed a sub-clone of the HIS3 gene and inserted it into a plasmid pSP72 making a recombinant plasmid which I used to transform bacterial cells. In order to determine whether the integration was successful, I extracted the plasmid to analyze if the inserted gene was present. However, I established that integration had not been successful. Introduction One of the laboratory techniques that help in understanding the basics of knocking out genes is the standardized procedure of replacing the ADE2 gene responsible for adenine biosynthesis with HIS3 that is responsible for on e of the steps in histidine amino acids. The procedure involves production of a hybrid polymerase chain reaction (PCR) as the first step. The hybrid product constitute of the vector DNA template and the primers of choice. Running of the PCR major steps produces the hybrid product. Agarose gel electrophoresis helps in determining whether PCR amplification occurred. The next step involves the transformation of yeast cells with the hybrid PCR product. The last step involves analysis of r4esults and morphology of transformed yeast cells. Other experiments involve transforming competent Escherichia coli cells with the use of a plasmid as a vector. This transformation follows the recombinant DNA technology protocol. The general procedure starts with digestion of plasmid DNA and template DNA of interest with restriction enzymes to generate DNA fragments with sticky ends. The second step involves ligation of the DNA fragments using DNA ligase, forming a recombinant plasmid. The next step in volves insertion of the recombinant plasmid into the competent bacterial cells. The final step involves plating on appropriate media and selection of transformed cells. In addition, performing a backward procedure of isolating the plasmid from the transformed cells verifies insertion at the right locus. Laboratory 1: Transformation of Competent Bacteria Objective: Introduction of Plasmid DNA into E. coli cells and determination of transformation efficiency Materials and Reagents: Plasmid DNA Gene of interest SOC media LB-amp media Procedure: The protocol preferred was the High-Efficiency Transformation Protocol. However, a variation occurred with 2Ã µl of plasmid DNA. The high efficiency transformation protocol requires thawing of competent cells in ice for about ten minutes. The next step involves transfer of 50Ã µl of the cells to a transformation tube using a micropipette. Adding of 2Ã µl of plasmid DNA into the tube followed. The next step involved placing the mixture on ice for 20 minutes. Next, exposure of cells to heat shock at 42?C occurs, a process lasting 35 seconds. Following this was adding the right amount of SOC media to the cells. After this, incubation at 37C? for 40 minutes and subsequent vigorous shaking followed. Plating of the cells in LB-amp media and overnight incubation at 37?C was the last step. In the first experiment, plating of the concentrated cell mixture without dilution occurred. In subsequent trials, there was dilution of cell solution at different dilution ratios.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Potential liability Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Potential liability - Essay Example Since it was its interest being served at the time of the accident, Mr. Cheatum can claim that it is liable being an employer of its Agentm, Dawn. As to Dawn, she can claim that she was not negligent in her driving. That it was Mr. Cheatum who was at fault. She can claim that she was driving in the prescribed speed limit and was on the right lane and that the accident was due in fact to the negligent act of Mr. Cheatum. As to Fast As We Can Deliver, it can claim that it has exercised diligent in hiring and supervising its employee, Dawn. That the strict liability clause, or the respondeat superior or the vicarious liability clause will not apply to him since at the time of the accident, Dawn has already finished her shift. Hence, she was not at work when the accident happened. As to DNA lab, it should not be held liable since there was no employer-employee relationship between them because Dawn was not an employee of the lab but an employee of FAST. The vicarious liability will not apply to them. "Auto Accident Injury Due to Vicarious Liability". (n.d.) Retrieved from website: Accessed on June 14,
Terrorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 6
Terrorism - Essay Example The deceased left behind a young family of three. The second victim was a legendary New York employee, Harold H. Sherburne, a man in his mid-60s, whose profession on Wall Street had lasted for four decades. The remaining casualties were James Gezork and Alejandro Berger who were caught up in the incident during their business trip to New York. The first three victims died on the spot, but the last one died later on while undergoing treatment in the hospital. According to Martin, the FALN left a note in a nearby telephone booth to the effect that they were taking full responsibility for the bombing incident at Fraunces Tavern, purposely to eliminate ââ¬Ëreactionaryââ¬â¢ business personalities inside (95). The message elaborated that the light ordnance made of dynamite that the terrorist elements had stuffed into a luggage and sneaked into the entrance to the buildingââ¬â¢s hallway was used to revenge the perceived American ordered bombing of a Puerto Rican eatery that resulted in 15 casualties barely a fortnight
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Potential liability Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Potential liability - Essay Example Since it was its interest being served at the time of the accident, Mr. Cheatum can claim that it is liable being an employer of its Agentm, Dawn. As to Dawn, she can claim that she was not negligent in her driving. That it was Mr. Cheatum who was at fault. She can claim that she was driving in the prescribed speed limit and was on the right lane and that the accident was due in fact to the negligent act of Mr. Cheatum. As to Fast As We Can Deliver, it can claim that it has exercised diligent in hiring and supervising its employee, Dawn. That the strict liability clause, or the respondeat superior or the vicarious liability clause will not apply to him since at the time of the accident, Dawn has already finished her shift. Hence, she was not at work when the accident happened. As to DNA lab, it should not be held liable since there was no employer-employee relationship between them because Dawn was not an employee of the lab but an employee of FAST. The vicarious liability will not apply to them. "Auto Accident Injury Due to Vicarious Liability". (n.d.) Retrieved from website: Accessed on June 14,
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Platos Lysis with Aristotles Nicomachean Ethics Essay
Platos Lysis with Aristotles Nicomachean Ethics - Essay Example Lysis is Platoââ¬â¢s dialogues discussing the nature of friendship whereas Aristotleââ¬â¢s Nicomachean Ethics also discusses the nature and concept of friendship and its importance in the lives of human beings. Plato and Aristotle are the Greek philosophers that have covered several important subjects in their writings. They contradict as well as support each othersââ¬â¢ view point on certain matters however, the conception of friendship is perceived differently by these philosophers and they provide the understanding of the nature of friendship.The Aristotleââ¬â¢s Nicomachean Ethics has been regarded as Aristotleââ¬â¢s best work on friendship and ethics. It is the most important philosophical work that drew significant impacts upon the European middle age societies because the medieval philosophy was widely based upon the concepts presented in Nicomachean Ethics. The conception of friendship presented by Aristotle basically depicts his thinking about the nature of fri endship and why people need friends in their lives (Crisp, p76). He believes that there is no person that would like to live a friend less life because being a social animal man always like situations and circumstances where he has a friend. Plato Lysis also talks about the importance of friendship but he has not much focused upon the importance and role of friendship in the lives of people from social and emotional perspective (Cooper, p290). The dynamics of friendship are also explored by Plato in one of his most engaging puzzling dialogues Lysis. These dialogues are rich mixtures of stable arguments, theories and literature in which Plato presented his views regarding friendship. Plato discusses the nature of friendship in these dialogues using the main characters of Socrates and two boys and friends Lysis and Menexunun. Another character of the dialogue was Hipplothales who had unrequited love with Lysis. In Lysis, Plato explained the conception of friendship in detail and depth and says that true friendship is based upon four basic conditions. At first, friendship could develop between the people that are similar and good man. Secondly, friendship occurs between dissimilar people. Thirdly, people who are neither good nor bad could also become friend and fourthly the relatives develop gradual friendship with each others because it is in the nature of the human beings to become friend of others (Annas, p532). The Lysis are often being regarded as philosophical failure because several arguments depicted in the dialogues are not convincing and due to these bad dialogues it has been regarded as a philosophical failure. It is found that Lysis fails to provide satisfying answers to certain important questions associated with the nature of the friendship. It is often been argues that Lysis actually didnââ¬â¢t answer the question that what friendship is. It shows dialogues between Socrates, Lysis and menexenus arguing about the friendship where Socrates asked Lysis and Menexunun that when a person loves another who is friend the lover
Communication system Essay Example for Free
Communication system Essay Use and develop systems that promote communication 1. Be able to address the range of communication requirement in own role 1. 1 Review the range of groups and individuals whose communication needs must be addressed in own job role. Working within Surestart I work with many groups and individuals whose communication needs must be addressed which include 16 staff members, services users to date we have 1700 families registered with Surestart. We would have a lot of communication with Health visitors regarding referrals that they have sent in and also follow up telephone calls if there is any concerns with the family. I would also have contact with social services and be asked to attend case review meetings. I would also be expected to communicate with other agencies to refer our service users on the appropriate agencies for example other children centres, counsellors, womenââ¬â¢s Aid and Hidden Harm Social worker, 1. 2 Explain how to support effective communication within own job role Effective communication and interaction play a very important role in the work of everybody that works within Surestart. I feel that how I support effective communication is by setting a good example to staff. With communication been so important for the day to day running of the centre, each staff member would be asked to write in the diary in the main office so people can know where they are (this is for the save guarding of staff if they are out of the office, lone worker policy) There is also a white board in the main office so when staff are in programmes other staff are aware of this and that the parents/baby room are booked. I would also support communication by attending staff meeting ever second week and staff are told that they must attend once a month. There is also an open door policy as sometimes there is information that staff do not want to share in a team meeting as there maybe difficulties within the team and they would like to share information on a one to one basic. 1. 3 Analyse the barriers and challenges to communication within own job role The barriers and challenges that I would face is staff working part time, staff out doing programme and also may be difficult feeling between staff members. The other barriers and challenges that I would face is staff do not take on board what you are saying to them as they feel they are right so they do not even listen to what you are trying to explain. Some people may pick you up wrong on the information you are trying to get across. 1. 4 Implement a strategy to overcome communication barriers Make sure I speak very clear, focus on what information I would like them to take on board. Supervision on a monthly basis, open door policy if anyone has a problem they can talk about it. Staff can ring and send emails at any time. The childcare supervisor meets with the childcare team every morning to make sure that all creches have enough staff and if they have any concerns regarding the children. There is also a referral meeting once a week where we discuss the referral that health visitor/social workers have send in and also to discuss and concerns we would have regarding the parents. I also send rely slips to social worker / health visitor to let them know if a home visit has been completed or if we have been unable to contact the family. Use different means of communication to meet different needs I am aware that each staff member has different learning styles, some staff like sharing information in a group and other staff like to share information in a one to one. It is also very important for me to take this on board as I do not want any member of the team feeling frustrated and ineffective. I want staff to be able to trust me and let them see that I value the work that they do. The different means of communication I use to meet different needs are. Emails are a very effective means of communication as each staff members gets the information at the same time and not second hand. Emails can be sent at any time and also printed out to file or record information that has been sent or received. Team meeting again are a very good as all staff are getting the same information and this is a nice way for other staff to meet and let everyone else know how things are going and if anyone is finding a family or child difficult then there is the support of the whole team for ideas of how to handle a situation. If anyone cannot make it then the team minutes are there to read. Telephone if I am not in the office I can still be reached on my mobile if anyone needs anything. Health visitor/Social worker would also contact me by telephone if they needed an update on a family. Staff diary in the main office this lets staff members know who is in which room and if anyone is on leave or sick or if someone has an appointment. Sign in and out sheet beside the exit door this is for safety reasons as if there was a fire in the building then I would know who is in and out Reply slips are back to the health visitors/social worker as an update for the referral they have send in. Letters to parents this is to invite them along to programmes/events. Thought-out the year I would facilitate information mornings for breastfeeding support, weaning work shop and feeding for under 5ââ¬â¢s this would be to share information to welcome new service users to the Surestart. Face to face, my office is open to all staff at any time if they need to talk about anything. CU2941 Use and develop systems that promote communication 2. Be able to improve communication systems and practise support positive outcomes for individuals 2. Monitor the effectiveness of communication systems and practices. The diary in the front office if very effective for staff on home visit as we know where there are for their safety (lone worker policy). white board in the main office is very effective as this is where all staff write down their programmes so if there is any phone calls for staff the secretary knows if they are in the office or in programmes. Emails can be sent at any time and it means that the same information is been told to the staff at the same time and it is also the staffs responsible to pick up their emails. The childcare supervisor meets with the childcare staff each morning I feel that this is very effective as this is in place to make sure that all rooms are covered with their ratio, and most importantly that the needs of the children are met and if there is any problem in any of the setting it can be addressed as needed and that staff do not have to wait 2 weeks for a team meeting to discuss. One to one communication i. e. Supervision and APR, I feel that this is very important within a setting. N-Drive this is where documents can be saved and all staff can access it. In our office we have a policy of hot desking so documents can accessed at any computer. This is also for Surestart forms and newsletters so all staff can print them out as needed. Reply slips to health visitors/social worker/other agencies this is where I reply to any referral letter that the project receives, I would reply to the other agencies if this family had received a home visit and services offered, if I was unable to contact the family for different reasons or if the family did not want to avail of Surestart services. Phone if I cannot be reached at any time then a message can be left for me to return there call. 2. 2 Evaluate the effectiveness of existing communication systems and practice Evaluating the effectiveness of existing communication systems and practice I am going to start with the ones I feels are the most effective. One to One Communication I feel that this works very well within a team as some staff members do not like to speak in front of other and feel that their ideas might not be good enough. I also feel that face to face communication is very effective as some people can pick up a message wrong and take the wrong tone with an email. Supervision this is there for staff to talk confidently with their manger I feel that this is very effective means of communication for the manger to tell how well things are going for that member of staff and for the staff member to say how they really feel about how things are going. ( I also feel that you have to have a good relationship with your staff for this to work, you have to be relaxed and friendly and staff members also have to trust you). Supervision is also very effective as this give staff clear boundaries of what is expected of them for the month a head and also make sure they are on target to achieve the targets in their APR. Team meetings I also think this is effective as this can let everybody know how programmes are going if there is any follows to do with families in any of the programmes. If anyone is having any difficulties if any of the programmes is nice to get other ideas how to deal with it. It is also there for sharing information for the Surestart board and action for children. To let staff know what training is coming up. ARP- I have been working in a Surestart setting for the last 11 years, I feel that this is the first year I have felt that an APR has been effective like the rest of communication systems if it is not done right then it will not be effective. APR is there to set goal and targets for the year ahead, I feel this is very important for staff as they know what is expected of them for the year ahead and then this is monitored at each supervision to make sure that staff in on track with their targets. Childcare meeting every morning I feel that this is very effective as each member of the childcare team no where they are each day and who is covering in each setting and also if any member of the childcare team is concerned about a child this is discussed each morning. Emails- I feel has pro and con. It is very effective in a way that emails can be sent at any time and is very good for all staff to receive the information at the same time. I also feels that staff can pick the tone of emails up wrong and some information is best said face to face. Reply letter to health visitors/social workers/other agencies I feel that this is a very effective The diary in the front office This is effective if everyone plays there part in filling it in. If someone is on training or off on A/L and forgets to fill it in then it is very hard for other staff to know where they are. N-Drive This is effective as all the Surestart form and standard letters are on it as well as newsletters. It is also that as this is used while hot desking it means that the documents that are placed on this drive can be accessed by the whole team so if I was saving any confidential information I would also password protect it. Phone I do feel that this is effective as if I am not available by phone or mobile then a message can also be left. 2. 3 Propose improvements to communication systems and practices to address any short comings I feel that communication can always be improved as we are only human and staff do forget to pass on messages, response to emails, and even fill in the diary in the main office. I have proposed that each desk has message pad so that all messages have to written down. I have proposed that the main diary is to be brought to the team meeting so that if anyone has any leave booked, any visits arranged or training then this can go into the diary. I would also remind everybody at team meeting about remembering to fill in the diary I have also propose that the reply slips to the health visitors/social workers be changed as I feel it could be improved. 2. 4 Lead the implementation of revised communication system and practices CU 2941 Use and develop systems that promote communication 3. Be able to improve communication systems to promote partnership working 3. 1 Use communication systems to promote partnership working The systems that we use to promote partnership working is: One to one communications I meet with the health visitor for breastfeeding once a week. Also any of the health visitors are welcome to call in at any time. Some health visitors like to bring parents that are hard to engage into the centre to meet me to show them around the building and meet the staff. I would also have contact face to face with our families on a daily basis through programmes and also registrations. Phone call health visitors/social services and other agencies would phone for update and regarding case review meetings. Families would also phone on a daily basis if they needed help with anything or information. Post we post letters to the agencies if we are unable to reach the families or if they no longer wish to be involved with the service. I would also post letters and newsletter to families. Emails some agencies like to send email as it is a faster way for them and this is ok with me as long as it is recorded. Referral reply this is a letter drawing and signed by Surestart parents that we have permission to send it back to the health visitors to say we have been in contact and the Surestart services have been offered. Information events this is different events for Surestart to promote their services 3. 2 Compare the effectiveness of different communications systems for partnership working I feel within waterside Surestart the systems we use are very effective. One to one communication I feel is very effective as this can reassure service users and colleagues and also outside agencies, you can focus on the goal. I can be supportive and positive to all that need it. I can also assess the services usersââ¬â¢ needs and provide them with the support needed and I also feel that this builds trust and relationships. Phone call I feel that this is a very effective way of communicating as some health visitor/social worker/other agencies need an update ASAP as they may be on their way to a review meeting. All if a member of staff is not on the office this is a good way of communicating. As my role as family support worker I be in contact with families every day on the phone, may it be they have a question or I am inviting the families to programmes or arranging home visits. Emails This is a very effective way that I communicate in Surestart, supervision notes to be sent 3 says before supervision, team meeting are to be sent and read before the meeting. Agencies are able to send emails / newsletters Referral Response I feel that this is a very effective way that Surestart communicate. This is send to health visitors/social workers who send in a referral this is to show the agencies that we have made contact with that family or that we have tried to contact the family and after 4 weeks we are unable to reach them. Information events I feel that this is not really effective as we work on catchment areas and this is very hard to have an event in a general area, it has to be within the area, as we do not like to turn people away that may be interested in the service, as when agencies send in referrals they have a list of streets that is inside the catchment area and only if there is a need then they can be outside the area. Propose to improvements to communications systems for partnership working I do believe that communication within waterside Surestart has got a lot better in the last year, I feel that this has a great deal to do with our new manager, she has gained the trust and respect of the staff and in return it is a pleasure to work with. I feel that I have a great leader to follow and learn a great deal from. The only improvement that could be made is that a leaflet could be drawn up for families that are outside the catchment area so that they leave with something rather than going away with no information (this is in the process on being done). I am also assisting the upgrade of the referral response form so that families sign this form so that we have permission to hold their information and that we are allow to send the form back to the referrer. CU2941 Use and develop systems that promote communications 4. Be able to use systems for effective information management 4. 1 Explain legal and ethical tensions between maintaining confidentiality and sharing information Working with in a Surestart setting for the last 11 years, I know that confidentiality is very important. Itââ¬â¢s important for agencies and services users to build a trusting relationship with me. I am very honest with the people I work with, when I am completing a registration form with parents I do tell them that their details will stay in a locked filing cabinet for 7 years, that there information is stored on a database password protected until there child/ren turn 4. I also let the parents know that under the data protection act they are able to see their file at any time. Parents also sign a form that we are able to share information with the health visitor and other agencies involved if we have any concerns regarding the child or parents. When I have taking programmes with parents I also start with group rules. Confidentiality always comes up, I always tell parents that whatever is discussed at the group I do not take it outside of the group, I can only speak for myself but that I would hope that everyone would stand by this too. I also always make it very clear to parents that if anything is discussed or disclosed any information regarding harm or danger or abuse to a child/ren then I will past this information on to my manger and the appropriate authorises. I feel that if I am honest with all the people that I work with then I do believe that you build up a trust and that by law I have to report and record all that is disclosed to me, although I did have a parent in the past that did not understand this, they felt that I was just reporting them to social services and she believed that social services where there to take her child away. This lady did not return to Surestart as what she disclosed I had to discuss with my manger. Analyse the essential features of information sharing agreements within and between organisations Under the data protection act 1998, the purpose of the act is to protect the rights and privacy of individuals and to ensure that data about them are not processed without their knowledge and are processed with their consent whenever possible, this act covers personal data held in electronic formats, manual data and relevant filing systems. Surestart has devised a form that has recently been updated by my colleagues and myself, this form is where we get service users to sign that they agree Surestart is able to keep their details in a secure place for up to seven years, and that if we had any concerns regarding the child that we would contact the appropriate service also that if there is a social worker involved that we are able to update them on any programmes they attend for case review meetings. Health visitors would send in referral form with parentââ¬â¢s consent, what happens is we then phone that family and do a home visit and in that visit we fill out the Surestart forms with the families details on it, the consent for is then signed and sent back to the health visitor to say we have completed a visit this is what programmes they would like to attend, I would also send back a form to the heath visitor if that family did not wish to avail of Surestart services or that I could not reach them. These forms are kept with the registration and filed in a locked cabinet. When I am facilitating a programme within Surestart I always do group rules, parents can put what they like on it, confidentially always comes up, I just remind parents that what happens in the group will stay in the group with me, but I can only speak for myself and not the rest of the group and I do tell them that It would not be nice to hear anyone talking bad about another parent. I do inform the parents that if there anything disclosed within the group that has caused abuse of harm to a child them I am bound by action for children policies and procedures and under the children order act 1995 to past this information on to my manger and the appropriate services, I do tell the parents that I would discuss this with them before I reported what I have heard. Demonstrate use of information management systems that meet legal and ethical requirement Under the data protection act 1998 Surestart need permission to hold data on the families that I work with, how this is doneà is that all parents have to sign the registration form and also the consent for their details to be stored according to action for children policies and procedures, which is that their details are stored for up to seven years, in a locked filing cabinet and up to four years on the Surestart database. Under the childrenââ¬â¢s order 1995 I am bound to report anything that I have heard or seen that my or has caused harm to a child. This would also be discussed with the parent/s what information I would be passing on to my manger. This also gives the parent an opportunity to explain. The information my lead to a referral been made to social services.
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