Thursday, November 28, 2019
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Free Essays on Right To Kill Vs Right To Save
"Whose life is it, anyway?" A plea by the late Sue Rodrigues, a high-profile, terminally-ill resident of British Columbia, Canada, who suffered from a terminal illness. She was helped to commit suicide by a physician in violation of Canadian law. In today's society there are many disagreements about the rights and wrongs of euthanasia. Although death is unavoidable for human beings, suffering before death is unbearable, not only for terminal patients, but for the family members and friends. So what is the solution? How can we ease the suffering of those whose death is both impending and imminent? Euthanasia is clearly better choice for terminal patients than suicide. The question is however, is it morally, ethically, and socially right. In our society, suicide is always traumatic for families and friends. If there is no alternative to relieve the suffering of terminal patients, then the more humane option to suicide is euthanasia. This is not the only option however, "An option for people that are unsure of euthanasia is called DNR or do not resuscitate". This means that if the patient has a heart attack or another potentially fatal problem in the hospital, "the doctors are told to perform a `No Code,' which means that they should let the patient die! The word euthanasia is derived from the Greek word "eu" for good and "thantos" which means death and originally referred to intentional mercy killing. But the word euthanasia has acquired a more complex meaning in modern times. Supporters of euthanasia believe that a dying patient has the right to end their suffering and leave the world in a dignified manner. Those who are against euthanasia believe that man does not have the right to end another person's life no matter how much suffering they have to go through. Euthanasia is one of the most important public policy issues being debated, The outcome of debate will profoundly affect family relationships, interaction betwe... Free Essays on Right To Kill Vs Right To Save Free Essays on Right To Kill Vs Right To Save "Whose life is it, anyway?" A plea by the late Sue Rodrigues, a high-profile, terminally-ill resident of British Columbia, Canada, who suffered from a terminal illness. She was helped to commit suicide by a physician in violation of Canadian law. In today's society there are many disagreements about the rights and wrongs of euthanasia. Although death is unavoidable for human beings, suffering before death is unbearable, not only for terminal patients, but for the family members and friends. So what is the solution? How can we ease the suffering of those whose death is both impending and imminent? Euthanasia is clearly better choice for terminal patients than suicide. The question is however, is it morally, ethically, and socially right. In our society, suicide is always traumatic for families and friends. If there is no alternative to relieve the suffering of terminal patients, then the more humane option to suicide is euthanasia. This is not the only option however, "An option for people that are unsure of euthanasia is called DNR or do not resuscitate". This means that if the patient has a heart attack or another potentially fatal problem in the hospital, "the doctors are told to perform a `No Code,' which means that they should let the patient die! The word euthanasia is derived from the Greek word "eu" for good and "thantos" which means death and originally referred to intentional mercy killing. But the word euthanasia has acquired a more complex meaning in modern times. Supporters of euthanasia believe that a dying patient has the right to end their suffering and leave the world in a dignified manner. Those who are against euthanasia believe that man does not have the right to end another person's life no matter how much suffering they have to go through. Euthanasia is one of the most important public policy issues being debated, The outcome of debate will profoundly affect family relationships, interaction betwe...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Environmental Science IP 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Environmental Science IP 1 - Essay Example One of the classical examples of this type of the ecosystem is the Amazon basin of South America. It has four distinctive layers; firstly it has forest floor. This is the bottom strata or layer that is highly obscured from receiving sunlight. Only plants that are adapted to low temperatures can survive here. Besides the layer of plants, it has a decaying plant and animal matter. Notably, the rate of decaying is high because of the humid and warm conditions. The second layer is made up of understory layer; this is found between the forest floor and canopy layers. Small animals and birds find suitable habitat within it because it consists of shade-tolerant shrubs, large woody vines, and herbs. Up to 5% of the sunlight reaches this zone (Lewis, 2009). Canopy layer makes the primary area of this ecosystem. It has largest trees of 35-45 meters high which are broad-leafed and dominant. It has the highly dense flora including the epiphytes, bromeliads, mosses and lichen. Most of these epiphytic plants are attached to the branches and trunks of has diverse fauna, then the emergent layer. Besides the majority of avian species including the spider monkey, hornbill, African parrot among others are found within this layer. Lastly, the emergent layer forms the last part of this ecosystem. Unlike the canopy, this region is made up of a small number of huge trees that reaches above 45-55 meters. Hence, this part rise just above the canopy layer. Tropical rainforest is often dynamic, their structure keeping changing. Like other ecosystems, both biotic and abiotic factors affects its existence. Biotic factors include organism that ensures decomposition of the animal and plants. These fungi, bacteria, and other microscopic organisms help to provide balanced carbon cycle. Also, autotrophs and consumers such as heterotrophs such as antelope and gazelles feed on plants and herbs and thus their lives are dependent on producers. Abiotic
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Training in Crisis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Training in Crisis - Essay Example One of his demands is for immunity from the murder charge if he surrenders without harming any of the people in the house. His other demands are a case of beer and some fast food soon. He wants his demands met or "something will happen". Any occasion or incident where any person is said to be taken against his or her will for an exchange of demand or performance of an action is called hostage taking. The incident involving the man and his family held up inside their house and where he demanded for immunity from the murder, case of beer and fast food is an example of hostage taking. There are categories of hostage-takers. Hostage-takers can be classified as those of political activists, mentally stable, criminal deviants and inmates (ââ¬Å"Initial Response to a Hostage Situationâ⬠, n.d.). According to the Initial Response to a Hostage Situation (n.d.), the following are the hostage-taker categories: Political activists or terrorists are characterized as those very aggressive, im pulsive, and devoted to their causes and often demand release of political prisoner, money or even publicity. Criminal deviants are those which are likely rational but caught in criminal act and for them to be released, use hostages as way of safely escaping. Mentally unstable are hostage-takers suffering from strange psychiatric condition which are often suicidal and use hostage taking situation as means of death. The man in the scenario is considered to be a criminal deviant. The act was caused by the murder done to his neighbour and the situation is used as a means to demand for a safe escape. He threatened to kill those people with him if his demands are not given. There are may be different types of structures of law enforcement team but in general, the structure is composed of the team leader, on-scene commander, negotiator, intelligence officer, communication officer, tactical team and police psychologist. As part of the team as police psychologist, there are generally two ma in roles: (1) participation in team development, training, and selection of personnel; and (2) operational assistance during the crisis itself, including monitoring of negotiation progress, psychological profiling of hostages and HTs, assessment of danger and risk level, monitoring the mental status of negotiators and other personnel at the scene, and participating in both operational and critical incident stress debriefings following the incident . (Miller, 2007) . According to Dr. Miller, ââ¬Å"the highest fatality rate in hostage crises occurs during tactical incursion, the decision to order such an action is an excruciatingly difficult one.â⬠This is when a police psychologist becomes an integral part of the team as the tactical team. Police psychologists are very important in the crisis negotiation because they are necessary in preparing the team of people responsible in dealing with a situation such as hostage taking when lives are at stake. The police psychologist must be able to make sure that the team to deal in the situation is prepared, well trained and is ready to negotiate and save lives. They are also important in analyzing the situation and the profile of the perpetrator and the team and this will really help in making sure that the protocols are being applied and modified according to each situation. Dr. Miller (2007) stated that ââ¬Å"containment and negotiation strategies yield a 95 percent success rate in terms of resolving a hostage crisis without fatalities to either hostages or hostage-takers (HTs),
Monday, November 18, 2019
Business Analysis and Corporate Strategy of BP GROUP PLC Essay
Business Analysis and Corporate Strategy of BP GROUP PLC - Essay Example The customers had a high bargaining power in regard to petroleum products. The buyers of BP products are always price sensitive hence the company has always ensured the prices are relative low to maintain them. The bargaining power of the supplier is low in regard to BP Group Plc since the suppliers of petroleum products are few in number. The bargaining power of the supplier is also low because there is availability of suitable substitute products similar to those supplied by BP. There are other petroleum company that produces petroleum products similar to those produced by BP thereby making the bargaining power of the supplier very low. 1 The bargaining power of the buyers of petroleum products is quite higher is high since the buyers are many in number. The buyers purchase a large potion of an industry's total output and a significant potion of a supplier's annual revenue. There is a clear revelation that revenues of the company have been increasing since 2000 since the company's turnover in 2000 was less that 100 billion and in year 2005 they were over 150 billions. 2 The company has significant strengths in regard to brand name. ... Their production accounts to three percent of gasoline supply in the US. Another company's strength can be seen where BP is ranked to be the leading company in sale and distribution of solar panels. This resulted after acquiring Lucas Energy Systems and Solarex in 1980 and 2000 respectively. On the sale of photovoltaic, BP had a world market share of twenty percent in 2004 after producing 90 mega watts of solar panels. This ranking increased BP's brand loyalty hence to the advantage of the company as the sales increase drastically. Since 2000, BP Company has been eager to embrace new technology in their product. They have always ensured that their products are integrated to suit their customers' tastes and preference. This opportunity has ensured that the company is produces world class products thereby increasing their market share. BP Company has had a number of threats in terms of competition. Since year 2000, there have been a number of new companies that have been established that deal with petroleum products. This competition is a threat to the growth of BP company hence for them to prevail in the market they have to ensure they use their market strategies properly. The opportunity of BP Company is seen where the company merged with Amoco Company. The company took the merger advantage as it was able to produce other products that included solar panels. The solar panel were produced when Lucas Energy Systems and Solarex were acquired by BP in Amoco acquisition. By increasing the number of product the company dealt with, the company ensure that if the market share is low for one product, it might be high for the other products. This ensures that the company's sales will always be high
Friday, November 15, 2019
A Letter from Birmingham Jail by Martin Luther King Jr
A Letter from Birmingham Jail by Martin Luther King Jr A Letter from Birmingham Jail by Martin Luther King Jr. was written in the margins of a letter posted by the clergymen of Alabama at this time that sparked his interest and while he inhabited the jail cell for parading around without a permit. This time allowed him the ability to respond wholeheartedly to this cynical oppressing. Kings letter addresses specific points presented in the Clergymens and this direct response distinguishes Kings strong points through his powerful writing. Unethical and immoral mentions came to the attention of the Minister through the letter, and he expressed his differing views and defended his ideals and actions through Aristotles three rhetorical devices, ethos, logos, and pathos. First and foremost, King establishes his credibility to spark off his strong defense. Introducing himself as The President of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, an organization operating in every southern state, with headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia. , [with] eighty-five affiliated organizations across the South, and one of them is the Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights (Letter from Birmingham Jail 2). This credential not only puts King into a position of power but also proves that he has seen enough of the south and the problems within it to create a strong argument against his opposition. Another point that establishes this is on page seven of Letter From Birmingham Jail where King states that hes traveled through the length and breadth of Alabama, Mississippi, and all the other southern states. On sweltering summer days and crisp autumn mornings. This quote defends his credibility further because not only did King travel once through these states but multiple t imes in different seasons, and even deeper- in different trials that may have been presented. Moreover, throughout the letter, King references the Bible, presidents, and writers to establish not only his educated mind, but also his passion for righteousness and his stance as a minister. The flawless flow of his passionate response to the Clergymen also presents support for his intellect and knowledge due to keeping a reasonable head and developed grammar while inhabiting a jail cell. Many of the Kings rhetoric used that convinced his credibility to the audience also demonstrated the logic in his counterargument. In a simple paragraph, he effectively proves his point that extremism for a proper cause isnt something to discredit and should not be looked upon as a negative thing, Was not Jesus an extremist for Love,Was not Amos and Extremist of justice, was not Paul an extremist for the Christian gospel, and Abraham Lincoln,and Thomas Jefferson,The Question is not whether we will be extremists, but what kind of extremists we will be (A Letter from Birmingham Jail 6). After thoroughly tying in many influential figures in history, King then goes on to question the argument of the Clergymen stating that the demonstrations are at fault in Birmingham and not the social situation already simmering. Throughout Alabama all sorts of devious methods are used to prevent Negroes from becoming registered voters, and there are some counties in which,not a single Negro is register ed (Letter from Birmingham Jail 4) This direct attack on the truth of Alabama in this time brings a harsher light to what happens and what is overlooked to many. King then continues to state that it was his parading without a permit (4), that landed him in the jail and while it is completely fine to have such an ordinance,it becomes unjust when it is used to maintain segregation and to deny citizens the First Amendment privilege of peaceful assembly and protest (Letter from Birmingham Jail 4). This direct reference to the constitution of the United States and just and unjust laws and ordinances proves a strong point for Kings Rebuttal, which helps to defend the equal rights movement even further. Throughout the passage, after King addresses his credentials and furthers I through his knowledgeable and strong rebuttals of logic, his argument plays further into the conscious of his audience through well put references and emotional instances. One powerful example of Kings pull on the readers consciousness in his letter is on page three when he refutes the argument of the Clergymen saying that Colored people should just wait. While many words truly stand out, Kings true effect was mastered by the appeal to the parents in the group, When you have to concoct an answer for a five-year-old son who is asking: Daddy, why white people treat colored people so mean (Letter from Birmingham Jail 3)? Then again, humiliation day in and day out by nagging signs (Letter from Birmingham Jail 3) and even further, when you are forever fighting a degenerating sense of nobodiness (Letter from Birmingham Jail 3). Another element that helps support Kings point in his letter is the fervent repetition o f his blatant disappointment in more than simply the clergymen, but their Christian faith and the churches in service within Alabama during this time. King repeats how disappointed he was in the common whites also and their bystander reactions to racial issues. The fact that this man, a minister, beneath the said extremist white clergymen, and inhabiting a jail cell during that time, who was disappointed in people showed a true depth which hit the audience profoundly. (King) These three elements to Martin Luther Kings letter aid it to be the most effective argument against the Clergymens rash and irrational spark of a letter. Because he sought to the demands and claims so logically, and rebutted with passion and clarity, Kings message was put across and he demonstrated what he needed to put his point across and defend his actions and ideals. The strength of this letter allowed a clear voice to hopefully change mindsets and common misconceptions within Birmingham, Alabama and did not allow the irregularities of the Clergymen to cloud minds with incorrect thoughts. Works Cited: King, Martin Luther, Jr. Letter from Birmingham Jail. The Norton Anthology of African American Literature. Ed. Henry Louis Gates, Jr. and Nellie Y. McKay. New York: Norton, 1997. 1854-66.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Immanuel Kants Theory of Judgment Essay example -- Immanuel Kant, 201
What are, and what are the differences between, judgments of perception and judgments of experience for Kant? Understanding how the mind works has been a major goal throughout philosophy, and an important piece of this deals with how humans come to experience the world. Many philosophers have attempted to investigate this issue, and Hume successfully proposed a framework by which human understanding could be understood. This writing, however, spurred Kantââ¬â¢s philosophical mind, awaking him from his ââ¬Å"dogmatic slumberâ⬠and leading him to develop his own framework to define thought. As Kant strongly disagreed with Humeââ¬â¢s stance that ââ¬Å"it was entirely impossible for reason to think a priori,â⬠he set to correct Humeââ¬â¢s misguided view of custom in regards to objective and subjective reality.à ¹ The outside world, as defined by Kant, is referred to as nature, and ââ¬Å"nature considered materialiter is the totality of all objects of experienceâ⬠(Kant, 36). Human interaction with nature leads to judgments of experience, and these are empirical by def inition (p. 38). Empirical judgments are not limited to judgments of experience, however. Judgments of perception and judgments of experience constitute all empirical judgments, and there are significant differences between the two (p. 38). In order to properly define judgments of perception and judgments of experience, one must first examine the general framework for thought that precedes them. Kant begins by breaking cognition into two distinct parts: analytic and synthetic judgments (p. 9). Analytic judgments are simply statements about the status of some object, and essentially serve as definitions. Analytic judgments are true by virtue, as they ââ¬Å"express nothing in the predicate but what has... ... when looking at pure understanding. Because these concepts exist a priori, it is interesting that they are used in the understanding of experience. Kant is careful in his application of his framework, however, as a goal in his writing was to outline boundaries of metaphysics as a science, and to determine if ââ¬Å"such a thing as metaphysics be at all possibleâ⬠(p. 1). Unfortunately for Kant, it is impossible for all things to be described with objective reality, as seen in his case of the soul (p. 86). While ââ¬Å"determinable bounds [to reason] cannot be thought,â⬠Kant successfully established a framework to examine thought and experience (p. 87). This framework exists in itself as subjective, however, and truly shows how pervasive metaphysics is. Works Cited Kant, Immanuel. Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics. New York: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc., 1950.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Discuss personal therapist variables
The literature on therapist effectiveness had found support for the importance of the personal experience and background of the therapist. This would imply that counseling effectiveness does not rely only on the theoretical orientation and academic training, but also on the values, principles, emotional stability, self-awareness, and optimism of the therapist (Seligman, 2006).As a student of the counseling process, I am fairly certain that being optimistic, open-minded and emotionally mature are what I consider my strengths and which will help me become a more effective therapist. Counseling is a helping profession and I believe that we could not give to others what we do not have. As a therapist, one must be able to reserve judgment, to accept clients unconditionally and have the willingness to help.Emotional maturity is said to be borne from experience and age (Sperry, Carlson & Kjos, 2003), and although I am not advanced in age, I know that I am emotionally mature because I have a lready experienced a number of difficult situations in my childhood which also gives me an insight into the feelings and thoughts of my clients, I am in a better position to understand them, because I have experienced what they are going through.However, this advantage may also have its own flaw since transference can easily occur in this situation. I have a good grasp of who I am as a person, but I think that I still need to work on my inner self-awareness as well as determining what values are predominant in my life and how I can deal with how my values might influence my relationships with my clients. Nevertheless, I am confident that through this course and in the coming terms, I would be able to deal effectively with the said limitations.I had always been a firm believer of manââ¬â¢s capacity for growth, and I have to say that my counseling approach would be evocative or client-directed (Seligman, 2006). I think that when people are given the opportunity to think and confron t their own issues and problems, they would be able to realize the solutions to their problems. As a therapist, it is my responsibility to help clients become more self-aware, define their identities, become independent and confident. Thus, I am more inclined to use listening skills, empathy, and genuineness in my counseling sessions.
Friday, November 8, 2019
The Life of Olaudah Equiano essays
The Life of Olaudah Equiano essays Olaudah Equiano was a figure in history that made a large impact on many people during his time and still on ours. He created an uprising for many anti-slavery advocates. He brought out many things that were not visible to the people that did not know how slaves were brought to the different countries and how badly they were treated. It showed people how poorly other men were treated just because the color of their skin and the country they lived at. He struggled through many tough times, but he survived all the trials of life he was put through. This man is a strong man with much honor and pride, and a great advocate against slavery. Olaudah suffered through many trials and tribulations on his way over to the West Indies. He was reunited with his sister but only for a short while until she was separated from him and brought to a different slave master. One of the most troubling parts for him was probably for him to be separated from his family. He was in love and was very close to his mother, and then he couldnt even speak when he was reunited with his sister for awhile after they were reunited. This is such a big reason anybody could see why slavery can be viewed as such a horrible thing because family is such an important thing to everybody. To be separated from them so forcefully would be such a big thing especially at such a young age. While on the ride over on the ship he had a confrontation with his slave master over his name. His master wanted his name to be Gustavus Vassa and Olaudah did not like it so he decided to refuse to answer to his new name. So due to his bravery in going against his slave master he was cuffed. Eventually he decided to stick with this name and was known by that name for the rest of his life. Olaudah Equiano would not even eat for an extensive period of time unless he was forced by the slave owners to eat. The thought of not knowing what was really ...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Alcohol1 essays
Alcohol1 essays There are some 14 million people in the United States and 1 out of every 13 adults are considered alcoholics or at least experience drinking problems to some degree. Most people just dont understand the consequences of drinking. Alcoholism is a disease and unless something is done, more and more will be affected by this dangerous drug. A bad withdraw from this drug can lead to death, not even heroin results in death as The majority of people see alcohol as a social outlet and does not consider it to be as dangerous as it may really be. Alcoholism is an often-progressive disease with symptoms that include a strong need to drink despite negative consequences, such as serious job and health problems. The thing about alcohol is that a person does not need to be an alcoholic to experience problems with alcohol. Just a couple of drinks for anyone can result in irresponsible behavior, clumsiness, slurred speech, loss of balance, If you are diagnosed as an alcoholic you can not just try to cut down on drinking and think that this will help. Studies show that nearly all alcoholics who try to merely cut down on drinking are unable to do so indefinitely. Instead, cutting out alcohol is nearly necessary for successful recovery. Alcohol has direct toxic as well as sedative effects on the body, and failure to take care of nutritional and other physical needs during prolonged periods of excessive drinking may further complicate matters. Some cases even require hospitalization. The effects on major organ systems can be dramatic. A wide rang of digestive-systems can be affected, such as ulcers, inflammation of the pancreas, and cirrhosis of the liver. The central and peripheral nervous systems can be permanently damaged. In advanced cases, abstinence from alcohol may result in a ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Leadership and Ethics Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Leadership and Ethics - Coursework Example 23-30). However, ethics and good leadership are subjective topics and are commonly a reflection of the civilization. Therefore, the perceptions change depending on the context and time of argument. In my view, an ethical leader demonstrates normatively appropriate conduct based on personal attributes and interpersonal relationships. Such leaders coordinate followers through a structured two-way communication, reinforcement, and decision-making. In line with the theme of focus, ethical leadership framework manifests through strategic planning, cultural transformation, and leadership development. My concept of ethical leadership entails distinctive principles. First, an ethical leader guides the organization to deliver services beyond legal obligations. Frequently, the principle involves doing more than the minimum requirement of following the established federal laws and regulations (Fluker, 2009, p. 34-30). Corporations that apply this principle benefit from lower employee turnover, greater customer loyalty, and maximum profits. For example, giving more may entail environmental stewardship, better remunerations and management of the product chain. Second, ethical leadership principle elaborates the importance of business honesty. Therefore, ethical leaders promise what they are capable of deliver, engage in honest advertising, and inform employees about issues that might affect job security and practices fair competition. In common, business honesty also translates into maximized income and success. Similarly, leadership strategy that lacks ethical clarity results to economic and moral bankruptcy. In line with the highlighted principles, unethical leadership structures contribute to business failures. The approach typically creates mistrust among employees, suppliers and customers. An unethical practice also exposes the company to unnecessary legal dilemmas and attracts several fines or bans. Achievement of the
Friday, November 1, 2019
Bearing Capacity of Soils Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Bearing Capacity of Soils - Lab Report Example If this is not properly done, then the structures are likely to collapse, resulting in massive catastrophes. Sound engineering principles should be employed in the design of such structures in order to avoid potential loses in human life and property (William Powrie 53). à There are two major types of foundations; shallow and deep. While shallow foundations are located just below the structures they support, deep foundations extend deep into the earthââ¬â¢s crust. Shallow foundations are thus also called footings or mats, whereas deep foundations can also be called piles, or drilled shafts (Braja M. Das 123). The type of foundation used depends on two factors; the size of the structure to be built, and the category of soil on which the structure is to be built. Big structures require bigger foundations than smaller structures. On the other hand, organic soils also require bigger foundations compared to cohesive soils.Problem Description1.à Calculate the required size for a bui lding column footing under a given load.2.à Determine the effect of varying water contents on the compressive strength of the soil.Procedureà The lab was conducted following the following procedure:1.à A test specimen with known percentage of water was selected. The group used soil with 15% water content. This specimen was created by mixing 22.5 grams of water with 127.5 grams of dry clay.2.à The next step involved filling the mold with the soil-water mixture in three equal layers using the tamping device. The top of the first and second layers.
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