Monday, July 22, 2019

The German economy ready for war in 1939 Essay Example for Free

The German economy ready for war in 1939 Essay To what extent was the German economy ready for war in 1939? Consider all the economic strategies implemented between 1933 and 1939 in your answer. (15 Marks) Germany made military moves to expand its borders into Eastern Europe in 1939. There is certainly evidence to suggest that Germany was no-where near the targets set by Hitler for total re-armament. As well as this factor though, there is another question to consider, had Germany set out for all out international war or was it just an attempt to expand lebensraum when they took the actions of invading Poland and Austria in 1939? This is an important question because it helps to understand the motives of Hitler when he ordered the invasion of Poland. Basically, war to what extent must first be established. On the 5th November 1937 a meeting took place between Hitler and all his important military generals. The minutes from this meeting were taken down and became known as the Hossbach Memorandum. They stated that it was agreed that by 1943 active steps towards lebensraum were to be taken. This was all that was firmly agreed though; there were no steps to preparation towards a full international war. Nothing was even mentioned of the USSR. According to Tim Mason this suggests that when Hitler invaded Poland in 1939 he had no ideas of world domination just yet. He calls the invasion of Poland a, War of plunder. By this he meant that the only intention was to gain some extra land and resources for Germany to live off. This is supported by the fact that by 1939 the push for arms had become very strenuous and there was a shortage in resources, labour especially. This would support the theory that Hitler was not ready for an international war by 1939, but only ready to make attempts to expand Germanys land in-line with his ideology of creating lebensraum so that he could increase his resources. After all there were still German nationals living in Austria and Poland from when land was taken from them under the Treaty Of Versailles. This would mean that the plans that were suggested in the Hossbach Memorandum were forced to be brought forward because of the unexpected strain on resources. This evidence gives us an overall impression that Germany was only ready for a war to gain living space, through, Wars of plunder, But not ready for an international war. The counter argument to this though is that by 1939 rearmament had gone so well that Germany was ready for war. Between 1936-37 there had been an 80% increase in the rearmament budget and this resulted in two thirds of government spending by 1939 was being spent on military causes. It is evidence that leads to the idea that Germany was ready for a full international war. Indeed, by 1939 it has been suggested, there was a blueprint for World Domination being put into action. A firm subscriber to this opinion is Richard Overy. He counter-acts Masons argument as previously discussed by referring to his Marxist beliefs. Insisting that he adds too great an emphasis on the resistance from the working class- a key factor in any Marxist line of thinking. He uses evidence such as Goring investing so much in rearmament and Schacht leaving because of his reservations over the rate of rearmament. To consider whether it is Mason or Overy that my opinion lies with I must first analyse the various economic policies that were implemented during the time 1933 to 1939. This will give me an idea as to whether which sort of war Germany was attempting, World Domination or a War of plunder, And whether Germany was ready for it. One of Hitlers most famous ideological thoughts was this idea of autarky, or self sufficiency. It was not a new idea but certainly raised a few eyebrows at this time when the world was just starting to come about into a world market of imports and exports, more so than ever before after the first world war. Autarky would enable Germany to live off its own land and have no need for imports. This was essential to Hitlers plans for war. It meant that Germanys important goods would not stop being supplied in times of war. It would enable Germany and its military to maintain strength. As soon as the Nazi party came into power in 1933 provisions were made to achieve this goal. This was first seen in 1934 thought in Schachts New Plan. Regulations on imports and exports were made. Importers into Germany were forced to apply for permits so to regulate the commodities. This policy is known as a protectionist policy. Farming protection was also a huge part of this policy of autarky. This provided Germany with food so that they could fight on without looking to import from abroad. It was in farming and agriculture that autarky could not be achieved. From 1932 to 1938 there had only been a slight increase in production rates. And this was with a rapidly growing population. This would mean that it was not possible for the economic expectation to be where it should be if a world war was to take place in 1939. Hence, the economy was not ready for war by 1939 as the policy of autarky had not been achieved. This would suggest that when Hitler invaded Poland in 1939 he was trying to gain living space to make Germany stronger. This is in-line with Masons view of, War of plunder. Another rather famous thought of Hitlers was to achieve total employment. By this he meant that everyone that could work was in work. Not only would this mean that every person would be regulated and watched over, and indeed, kept out of trouble but it also had massive positive effects on the economy. If everyone was in work then this meant that money was going into the economy for such causes as rearmament. This was a hugely successful policy. These figures are simple; in 1934 there were 2.4 million people unemployed. By 1939 there were no people unemployed. This quite simply an amazing success, and undoubtedly gave the government, and Goring the resources to pour into rearmament ready for war. The amazing success of this policy by 1939 suggests that Hitler was ready for a quest of world domination, not just a war of plunder to gain resources this is because he had achieved one of his main targets. This evidence goes hand in hand with the theory that Overy puts across that when Hitler invaded Poland in 1939 he was starting his quest for the aryanisation of the world. Rearmament was an important factor in the German economy from 1934 onwards. This was due to Hitlers obsession with rearming Germany for war. It is not an easy topic to discuss. There are differing accounts which may lead some to believe that by 1939 Germany was not ready for war, but some may interpret that Germany was ready for war in 1939. I shall deal with the latter first. By 1939 Germany had attained total employment. According to Hitler this was essential before launching any attempt at war. Much of the economy had been devoted to the rearmament cause. Some sources tell us that between 1933 and 39 half of the MEFO bills, a government acknowledgement of debt, were issued in the rearmament cause. This is a substantial amount, especially when considering that the German economy was only just recovering in 1933. This would suggest that such substantial spending on rearmament would have meant that Germany would have been ready for war by 1939. This is supported when we look at the change in attitude of Hitler from 1937 onwards. Before then Germany had always taken action with caution in the hope of appeasement by the other European nations. From here onwards any foreign action taken was risky and always had the possibility of war, such as the militarization of the banned area, the Rhineland and the goal of Anschluss completed, the union of Austria and Germany. These arguments show that the German economy must have been ready for war as these risks were taken. Hence, it can only be assumed that Hitler knew that war was to occur when he invaded Poland in 1939. The invasion of Poland though can only be seen as a desperate attempt to sort out the economy- and not a prelude to world war. The Hossbach document showed that Hitler and his military official expected Germany to expand its living space in 1942-43. This is when the economy was expected to be as efficient as it could be. This estimation was wrong though, Germany was running out of resources. Hitlers hopes of autarky were to be dashed unless he took action. This is seen by the failure to meet industrial targets. In 1938 the production for rubber was only at 4.2% of its target for 1940, explosives only 20.2 for the same dates. This showed an inadequacy in the materials needed by 1940 for war. The invasion of Poland therefore can be seen only as a mission for living space and resources, in which Germany lacked both. From this analysis it is fairly plain to see that Germanys invasion of Poland in 1939 was not an attempt to trigger a world scale war. Nor was it hopeful of beginning the quest for world domination. Instead it is more in-line with Masons view that the invasion of Poland was a, War of plunder. In which the resources of Poland would be plundered or stolen and used for Germanys benefit. It is true that Germany had achieved many of their economic aims by 1939, economic recovery, arms production but more importantly total employment. Indeed these were essential if Germany was to launch an attempt at world domination but, would not suffice without the ultimate goal of autarky being achieved. This by 1939 was not. It is mentioned by Hitler many times throughout his tyranny in Germany that before Germany could achieve world domination there would need to be total autarky. It was even laid down in his book, Mein Kampf. This ultimately means that the German economy couldnt have been ready for war in 1939 because it did not match up to Hitlers standards.

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