Friday, May 31, 2019
Functional Irrationality Essay -- Psychology Psychological Essays
Functional Irrationality (1)I. IntroductionThe view that some forms of irrationality may service of process a useful purpose is being increasingly entertained, despite the disquiet it elicits. The intellect for the disquiet isnt difficult to discern, for if the view were made good it might venture the unqualified normative primacy that rationality enjoys in the evaluation of thoughts, beliefs, intentions, decisions and actions. In terms of the predominant rational explanation model, reasons both generate and justify actions, and carrying out the dictates of reason is held up as an ideal. If it can be shown that under some circumstances or for certain types of action irrational elements or procedures would produce all things considered bettor results, this would put these deliberative ideals in question. Nozick (1993), going deeper, advances the view that we accord rationality intrinsic value (over and above its instrumental value), because deciding and believing in a way that is responsive to the net balance of reasons has come to form an important part of human identity. We value a persons believing and deciding rationally in a way that is responsive to the net balance of reasons, and we think that is good and admirable in itself, perhaps because so deciding and believing uses our high and confused capacities and expresses them, or perhaps because that embodies an admirable and principled integrity in guiding beliefs and actions by reasons, not by the whims or desires of the moment. (Nozick 1993 136)In this paper I deprivation to explore whether such entrenched assumptions and intuitions preempt a coherent account of functional irrationality, or whether, despite the presumption against it, it can be defended within th... ...McLaughlin (eds) Actions and Events. Perspectives on the Philosophy of Donald Davidson. Dunn, Robert. 1995. Motivated Irrationality and Divided Attention, Australasian diary of Philosophy 73,3 325-335.Elster, Jon. 1989. Solomonic Ju dgements. Studies in the Limitations of Rationality. Cambridge CUP.Johnston, Mark. 1995. Self Deception and the Nature of the Mind, in C. MacDonald and G. MacDonald (eds) Philosophy of Psychology. Debates on Psychological Explanation 433-460. Basil Blackwell.Nozick, Robert. 1993. The Nature of Rationality. Princeton Princeton University Press.Rawls, John. 1993. Political Liberalism. New York Columbia University Press.Rorty, Amlie. 1980. Where Does the Akratic Break Take Place. Australasian Journal of Philosophy. Vol. 58, No. 94 333-346. in Action. Essays in the Philosophy of Mind. Boston Beacon Press.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Feminism In The Crime Film Genre Essay -- Women Females Movies Film Es
Feminism In The Crime Film Genre Throughout motion picture history, women have experienced more than transition in their roles, as a result of changing societal norms, than any other class. At first, both society and the movie industry preached that women should be dependent on men and remain in the home, in order to guarantee stability in the community and the family. As time passed and attitudes changed, women were beginning to be depicted as strong imparted, independent minded characters, who were eager to break away from convention. The genre of the crime film represents such a change in the roles handed to women. Two films that can be contrasted, in order to support this view, be The Public Enemy by William Wellman (1931) and comely &Clyde by Arthur Penn (1967).In The Public Enemy, women are portrayed as naive and/or disapproves of carnal pleasure by men. In this period, women were often categorized as mothers, mistresses, sisters, or ladies. Ma Powers (played by Beryl Merc er), the clear character Tom Powers(played by James Cagney) mother, is easily fooled by Toms fake stories about where he get his money and doesnt rely that her baby boy could be a vile multitudester. At one point during prohibition, when Tom brings home a barrel of beer, she doesnt unconstipated question where he obtained it, but rather takes a drink for herself. Ma Powers is the prototypical mother of the 1930s. She is blind to the ways of the world and doesnt see the danger of things, even in regard to her own children. She is a widow who does not work, but is supported by her sons. She is even blind to the fact that her sons hate one another. even so though, her Tom was sadistic killer and gangster, she always welcomes him back lovingly with open arms. At the end of the movie, she gets a phone call saying that Tom will be coming home from the hospital, where he had been treated for a gunshot. She rushes upstairs to make his bed and get his room ready, when the doorbell ring s and the rival gang drops of Toms gun riddled body. The other women who appear in the movie are portrayed as fast women who are sexual object to be enjoyed by Tom, until he gets tired of them and then throws them away. In one famous movie seen, Tom doesnt appreciate what his mistress moll tummy (played by Mae Clarke) said to him, so he wickedly squeezes half of a grapefruit into her face. She is left there belit... ...onnie & Clyde first premiered on the big screen. The female roles in The Public Enemy were stereotypical of the roles handed to women in the 1930s and also conveyed the zeitgeist of society. During the 1960s, as indicated by Bonnie & Clyde, there was the emergence of the womens role as a central character of the plot, one who was just as capable and omnipotent as the male lead character. She was a character that would not be controlled by societys norms or be held captive to male authority. It is safe to say that Bonnie & Clyde, helped redefined the role for women i n crime and action films. some recent films, such as Basic Instinct (Paul Verhoeven 1992), Natural Born Killers (Oliver Stone 1993), and The Long Kiss Goodnight (Renny Harlin 1996), have emulated the strong, seductive leading role that Bonnie & Clyde helped define. It also helped further that idea that women can hold their own in the crime film genre, both in the box office and by earth opinion, and through its innovation may have supported the production of such preceding all-women crime films such as Thelma & Louise (Ridley Scott 1991), Set It Off (F. Gary Gray 1996) and climb up (The Wachowski Brothers 1996).
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Mark Twainââ¬â¢s The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County Essay
Mark Twains The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras CountyMark Twains The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County is a short story with the lesson that what goes around comes around. In this short story, which first appeared in 1856 and his first successful story, Twain uses local customs of the time, dialect, and examples of social status in his story to create a realistic view of the region in which the story takes place. The way that the characters behave is very distinctive. Dialect is as well used to refund the reader a convincing impression of the setting in The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County. The social status of the main characters in this story also was something that Twain took into account in writing this story. Mark Twain is a realist who concentrates on the customs, dialect, and social status of specific regions of the country. Twain describes local customs and the shipway that the characters behave to create a more realistic setting for the story. In t he story the characters engage in behavior or activities that would be unusual for a regular person to do. For example, the narrator saysSimon Wheeler backed me into a corner and blockaded me there with his chair, and then sat down and reeled off the monotonous recital which follows this paragraph. He never smiled, he never frowned, he never changed his voice from the gentle-flowing key to which he tuned his initial sentence (1190) This quote illustrates the kind of person ...
Higher Education and Society :: Learning School Teaching Essays
Higher Education and participationAttending public schoolings as a child, I remember acquirement the canonic skills on how to add and subtract, read, and write. These basic skills be necessary in order to function in our monastic order and work force in the linked States. As we completely know each child learns differently, some learn faster than others and some slower than others. Our public schools capture become overcrowded and we do not have passable teachers to fit the needs of each student. Some students get left behind and are not learning the skills needed to move on to the next level. What these students are not learning they can learn in higher education such as a college or university. In this report, I would like to designate the importance of a higher education. I will use the works of John Henry Newman, Jon Spayde and Mike Rose, all three writers count in having an meliorate society. Our students needs are changing, there are a growing number of immigrants w ith children coming to the United States from all over the world. They bring with them the voice communication and culture of their body politic. The progress in which they arrive to the United States determines how well they learn English and what skills they will need to acquire to become productive in our society. The designate of teaching our children the basic skills is becoming harder and harder each day, making it harder for our education system to achieve their goals. There are a high number of students graduating from high school who does not have the skills needed to meet the needs of the work force in our society. A higher level of learning is needed to make our society literate. The relationship amidst college and university are influential in our society. To have an improve society in the United States brings a safe and peaceful environment to have it away in. Society is define as a group of stack with a common culture or a way of life. A group of people who un ite to luck a common interest (Holt, Rinehart and Winston 678). An educated society also avoids social problems such as poverty, gangs, drugs and health related sickness. Most of all, having an educated society helps our countrys economy. For example, a citizen that acquires a college degree earns respect and can get a good job that pays well.Higher Education and Society Learning School Teaching EssaysHigher Education and SocietyAttending public schools as a child, I remember learning the basic skills on how to add and subtract, read, and write. These basic skills are necessary in order to function in our society and work force in the United States. As we all know each child learns differently, some learn faster than others and some slower than others. Our public schools have become overcrowded and we do not have enough teachers to fit the needs of each student. Some students get left behind and are not learning the skills needed to move on to the next level. What these students are not learning they can learn in higher education such as a college or university. In this report, I would like to express the importance of a higher education. I will use the works of John Henry Newman, Jon Spayde and Mike Rose, all three writers believe in having an educated society. Our students needs are changing, there are a growing number of immigrants with children coming to the United States from all over the world. They bring with them the language and culture of their country. The age in which they arrive to the United States determines how well they learn English and what skills they will need to acquire to become productive in our society. The task of teaching our children the basic skills is becoming harder and harder each day, making it harder for our education system to achieve their goals. There are a high number of students graduating from high school who does not have the skills needed to meet the needs of the work force in our society. A higher level of learnin g is needed to make our society literate. The relationship between college and university are influential in our society. To have an educated society in the United States brings a safe and peaceful environment to live in. Society is defined as a group of people with a common culture or a way of life. A group of people who unite to share a common interest (Holt, Rinehart and Winston 678). An educated society also avoids social problems such as poverty, gangs, drugs and health related sickness. Most of all, having an educated society helps our countrys economy. For example, a citizen that acquires a college degree earns respect and can get a good job that pays well.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Advocating Change for the American Poor :: Poverty Poor Society Essays
Advocating Change for the American poor In his review of Leon Dashs book, genus Rosa Lee, Dan Cutler feels that the protagonist, Rosa Lee Cunningham, is doomed to a life of scantiness because she does non cerebrate she has any chance of success. He says that she had little faith in the accomplishment ideology, which made her feel that she was the victim of hopeless circumstances (Cutler). His consciousness of the ara Cunningham lives in is accurate, however, as a member of Americas lower class, Cunningham cannot waste beat aspiring to become middle class, she must spend her sentence surviving. The problem facing members of the underclass is that there are no options for them to become up state of wardly mobile. An arouse majority of these downtrodden people are doomed to lives at or below the poverty level from the moment they are born into the ghetto. Trying to instill the feat ideology, in people like Cunningham, so they do not believe they are caught in a closed sys tem will not work, as Cutler asserts it will. What we must do for members of the underclass to rise in the economical ranks is to include them in the system, for the system is closed to them. For this to happen the United States government must bespeak an active role in changing the it deals with the poorest members of society. The most economically successful country in the world has the power and money to change the structure of inner city economies. To do this we must re-evaluate our methods, and must stop blaming and sullen a group of underprivileged people who have no opportunity for their lack of opportunity. For example, the war on drugs does not stop drug use, it makes it worse. Imprisoning Blacks only furthers the segment and chaos that is rampant among underclass families, who in turn, resort to more drug use to neglect their dismal existence. Moreover, large corporations should not be allowed to abuse the underclass labor force, most of whom have no alternatives than to work for any wage, minimum or otherwise. some(prenominal) corporations steal labor from poor workers, but it is the underclass who are punished when they steal. However inappropriate our actions in dealing with the underclass are we continue to believe them, thus people are imprisoned for stealing fare or clothes, even though they never had an alternative.Advocating Change for the American Poor Poverty Poor Society EssaysAdvocating Change for the American Poor In his review of Leon Dashs book, Rosa Lee, Dan Cutler feels that the protagonist, Rosa Lee Cunningham, is doomed to a life of poverty because she does not believe she has any chance of success. He says that she had little faith in the achievement ideology, which made her feel that she was the victim of hopeless circumstances (Cutler). His understanding of the area Cunningham lives in is accurate, however, as a member of Americas underclass, Cunningham cannot waste time aspiring to become middle class, she must spend her time surviving. The problem facing members of the underclass is that there are no options for them to become upwardly mobile. An overwhelming majority of these downtrodden people are doomed to lives at or below the poverty level from the moment they are born into the ghetto. Trying to instill the achievement ideology, in people like Cunningham, so they do not believe they are caught in a closed system will not work, as Cutler asserts it will. What we must do for members of the underclass to rise in the economic ranks is to include them in the system, for the system is closed to them. For this to happen the United States government must take an active role in changing the it deals with the poorest members of society. The most economically successful country in the world has the power and money to change the structure of inner city economies. To do this we must re-evaluate our methods, and must stop blaming and punishing a group of underprivileged people who have no oppo rtunity for their lack of opportunity. For example, the war on drugs does not stop drug use, it makes it worse. Imprisoning Blacks only furthers the division and chaos that is rampant among underclass families, who in turn, resort to more drug use to escape their dismal existence. Moreover, large corporations should not be allowed to abuse the underclass labor force, most of whom have no alternatives than to work for any wage, minimum or otherwise. Many corporations steal labor from poor workers, but it is the underclass who are punished when they steal. However inappropriate our actions in dealing with the underclass are we continue to believe them, thus people are imprisoned for stealing food or clothes, even though they never had an alternative.
Advocating Change for the American Poor :: Poverty Poor Society Essays
Advocating Change for the the Statesn Poor In his revaluation of Leon Dashs book, Rosa Lee, Dan Cutler feels that the protagonist, Rosa Lee Cunningham, is doomed to a life of scantness because she does non believe she has both chance of success. He says that she had shrimpy faith in the achievement ideology, which made her feel that she was the victim of hopeless circumstances (Cutler). His concord of the argona Cunningham lives in is accurate, however, as a member of Americas underprivileged, Cunningham cannot waste succession aspiring to become middle class, she must spend her time surviving. The problem facing members of the lower class is that there are no options for them to become upwardly mobile. An overwhelming majority of these downtrodden people are doomed to lives at or below the poverty level from the moment they are natural into the ghetto. Trying to instill the achievement ideology, in people like Cunningham, so they do not believe they are caught in a clos ed dodging will not work, as Cutler asserts it will. What we must do for members of the underclass to rise in the sparing ranks is to include them in the system, for the system is closed to them. For this to happen the join States government must take an active role in changing the it deals with the poorest members of society. The most economically successful country in the world has the power and property to change the structure of inner city economies. To do this we must re-evaluate our methods, and must stop blaming and lowering a group of underprivileged people who have no opportunity for their lack of opportunity. For example, the war on drugs does not stop drug use, it makes it worse. Imprisoning Blacks only furthers the variability and chaos that is rampant among underclass families, who in turn, resort to more(prenominal) drug use to escape their dismal existence. Moreover, large corporations should not be allowed to abuse the underclass labor force, most of whom h ave no alternatives than to work for any wage, minimum or otherwise. Many corporations steal labor from poor workers, but it is the underclass who are punished when they steal. However inappropriate our actions in dealing with the underclass are we continue to believe them, thus people are imprisoned for stealing aliment or clothes, even though they never had an alternative.Advocating Change for the American Poor Poverty Poor Society EssaysAdvocating Change for the American Poor In his review of Leon Dashs book, Rosa Lee, Dan Cutler feels that the protagonist, Rosa Lee Cunningham, is doomed to a life of poverty because she does not believe she has any chance of success. He says that she had little faith in the achievement ideology, which made her feel that she was the victim of hopeless circumstances (Cutler). His understanding of the area Cunningham lives in is accurate, however, as a member of Americas underclass, Cunningham cannot waste time aspiring to become middle class , she must spend her time surviving. The problem facing members of the underclass is that there are no options for them to become upwardly mobile. An overwhelming majority of these downtrodden people are doomed to lives at or below the poverty level from the moment they are born into the ghetto. Trying to instill the achievement ideology, in people like Cunningham, so they do not believe they are caught in a closed system will not work, as Cutler asserts it will. What we must do for members of the underclass to rise in the economic ranks is to include them in the system, for the system is closed to them. For this to happen the United States government must take an active role in changing the it deals with the poorest members of society. The most economically successful country in the world has the power and money to change the structure of inner city economies. To do this we must re-evaluate our methods, and must stop blaming and punishing a group of underprivileged people who ha ve no opportunity for their lack of opportunity. For example, the war on drugs does not stop drug use, it makes it worse. Imprisoning Blacks only furthers the division and chaos that is rampant among underclass families, who in turn, resort to more drug use to escape their dismal existence. Moreover, large corporations should not be allowed to abuse the underclass labor force, most of whom have no alternatives than to work for any wage, minimum or otherwise. Many corporations steal labor from poor workers, but it is the underclass who are punished when they steal. However inappropriate our actions in dealing with the underclass are we continue to believe them, thus people are imprisoned for stealing food or clothes, even though they never had an alternative.
Monday, May 27, 2019
The Role of Financial Managerial Accounting Function
Accounting is a major part of an organization or blood line, it help to provided information needed to manage and make economic decision in order to move the accompany or organization forward. Financial and managerial accountancy work together with emphasis on the future of the company, but seduce different proposes that helps to enhance the organization both ways as in internal and external. The main purpose of financial accounting is to provide an external performance of the company or organization accomplishment to their stock liveer, lenders, financial analysts, and creditors, tax regimen by prepare financial statement.However, it also make knowns historic and present transactions on the balance sheet and the companys income and cash flow statement. managerial accounting is use to focus on providing information within the company or organization, of which includes planning and do decision for the company, its a managers job, he/she must have proficiency in the managerial accounting because it is the foundation of the companys future, and the managers aim is to control the companys operation by improving the way internal reports and external financial statement will be used in decision making within the company.In addition, Managerial accounting throne with topics such as cost behavior, profit planning, operational budgeting are all financial decision to be made to produce the external financial statements and its the managers of the managerial accounting department responsibility to have them done. To compare the two accounting system I would have to say they have similar function, they both produce reports one for external and one for internal that is use for making decision for the company.The managerial accounting deal with confidential financial reports that is used by the CEOs within the organization or company, these reports are consist of sales forecasting, the companys budgets abstract and comparative analysis and any type of merge or cons olidation reports the company did in a day, weeks or months. In addition, these reports is generated on a by the bye basic such as weekly or monthly it is more flexible than financial reports, and it does not focus on general accepted accounting principles (GAAP).Moreover it is use by the CEO to fore see the future of where the company is going. The financial accounting is more concern with the external aspect of the company, so when generating the reports for their stockholders, lenders, financial analysts, and others outside of the company they apply the general accepted accounting principles (GAAP).In addition financial account reports or focus on the past in a more historical factor of the four financial statement of which include a balance sheet, income statement, owners equity statement and cash flows statement, the report are generated for a set period of time such as a fiscal year to give the company a history for the hold years. In conclusion financial and managerial accou nting can be said that they play a very important part in business making decision, if the rules are apply in the correct and ethical manner by the CEOs and mangers .
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Prescription Privileges
1 Prescription Privileges Some of the current changes that can be seen in regards to prescription medicine privileges include changes in the ways that physicians and mental health professionals are able to prescribe medications to their patients. According to Brenda Smith of the APA (2012), currently patients welcome their medications for psychological conditions by a physician usually without having been evaluated by a mental health practitioner according to the CDC.The trend includes individuals to visit their general health practitioners in order to receive psychotropic medications such as antidepressants and anxiolytics. The problem with individuals receiving these medications from other sources include deterrence from alternate treatment interventions that include CBT or psychoanalysis.Changes currently described as contingency in the realm of prescription privileges include the expansion of prescription writing privileges to mental health professional such as license psych ologists that are well-versed in psychopharmacology as well as the dangers of overuse and over prescription of psychotropic medications. According to the American psychological standoff (Smith, 2012), several(prenominal) states programs for psychologists designed in discover to prescription privileged programs have been approved.The states include Louisiana, New Mexico and the US armed forces. Additionally according to the American psychological Association (Smith, 2012), in that location are several bills being considered in m both other states regarding the expansion of prescription drug privileges but many of these measures have been met by opposition from the American Medical Association and the American psychiatric Association due to concerns about the adequacy of each training programs in dispensing of prescription medication and overall patient safety. . Changes in ethical motive of Drug Treatment Some of the decisive changes described above in the ethical use of drug trea tments for individuals that might have a psychological perturb include the consideration of clinical level testing for psychotropic medication prescription. Special attention should be giving to understanding informed consent and any challenges that may be presented and prescribing ethically medications to special populations such as children.According to the Gerald Tietz of the Washington law review (1986), indicates that it is well within a practitioners scope of duty to inform the patient of significant effects were injuries that may be related to the prescribing of any particular pharmacological treatment. This informed consent should be stretch forthed to include the harms were dangerous presented also with non-use of additional treatment interventions such as therapy or CBT.Additional trends identified in ambulance pediatrics (Cooper, Arbogast & Ding, 2006), or the trends and the prescription of antipsychotic medications for children in the United States of America. The info rmation taken from the national ambulatory medical care survey in regards to the US population indicated that between 1995 and 2002 there were nearly 6,000,000 visits to health providers by children in the US that had been subscribed or prescribed antipsychotic medications.Nearly 1/3 of the prescriptions for lease populations were provided by non-mental health service professionals. The study of the department of pediatrics at Vanderbilt University in Nashville also indicated that over half of the prescriptions for these children were given based on behavioral indications or affective disorders which find a way have not been fully studied for use in children.These changes tend to speak more towards the trends and blocking of measures to expand prescription privileges due to the fact that they affect children as a special group. It appears that the special groups and factors such as overprescribing of psychotropic medications fueled a change in the ethics of drug treatment. As these factors become rectified, so will be trends were changes towards allowing privilege of prescription to mental health professionals and expansion of ethical considerations for those individuals prescribing these drugs.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Stay at Home Mom
Because I am a woman, I must make unusual efforts to succeed. If I fail, no one leave alone say, She doesnt retain what it shits. They will say, Women dont consecrate what it issuances. Being a stay at home mother has its benefits yet it most definitely has its flaws. In the old days women had no choice but to stay at home cooking, cleaning, making sure dinner was ready on fourth dimension. They had no say if they wanted to work or finish school. Just imagine living day to day in the same routine. Visualize waking up at 630 am making the beds, then breakfast and that kiss goodbye before he went to work.At first this must feel amazing spending all this time with your chela bonding and not missing a moment. But wheres your me time? 4 out of 5 mothers are happier when they work. They can hand over adult conversations and take a sick day. Being a stay at home mom is a 24-hour, 7-day-a-week job with no pay. What woman wants to feel financially subordinate of her spouse? I see my husband once a week. But since he is making the bulk of the income, I cant really be resentful well-nigh that. At the same time, I feel like we have two separate lives. In this day and age budgets are tighter than usual. Why add on to your stress with bills and payments.Its true that you might miss out on your childs first word or first steps but absence makes the heart grow fonder. You cant be a stay at home mom forever. What will you do with your free time when your child starts school? In most cases the child grows too attached to their mom and doesnt have enough communication skills to share with other kids. daycare has evolved because you can go to work and your child learns how to play others. Children become more independent and self-reliant when they dont have you there to do everything for them, which is better for both of you in the long run.You lose a lot of your freedom because your child has to go everywhere with you even the bathroom. When you need time to cook or j ust take a breather whos to say you wont just place your child in front of the TV for an hour. Women fought for the opportunity to be as equal as men especially in the job area. We are not less of a mother for thinking of ourselves a little. This shows your child to be strong and independent. Your child will grow attached to you but you will also be more attached to your child. What happens when college comes along and your baby is leaving you. What will you do with all that time, Knit, bake, read.Youll go mad and feel abandoned. You wont have the skills you did when you were working. Not to say that one is easier than the other they both take a lot of effort. After you work youll be exhausted and trying to find time for your kid and husband. You will feel pressured to make the time you do have with your kids quality time, so you can actually overwhelm them. As a stay at home mom you will have time to clean and more time with friends and family. But overall the extra effort is worth it. Woman will feel more accomplished in their lifes and have a sense of purpose.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Martin Luther King Essay
I have a dream that one day my quaternity little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, tho by the content of their character (Martin Luther poove junior). These wise and upholding words of confidence and determination changed the face of America during a sequence of hate and secernment. moguls inspirational leadership and expressiones helped make a local wad protest into a historical event ( business leader, Martin Luther Jr.) He collected thousands of people, both subdued and w add togethere, to human beingy encouraging protests and meetings to bring a hateful and racist world to peace.His strategy of encouraging nonviolent protest and interracial cooperation helped him to fight effectively again the southern system (King, Martin Luther Jr.). These strategies were to a fault based on the belief of Indian pacifist Mohandas Gandhi. Martin Luther King Jr.s ambition to seek a perfect world was extravagant he will al counsellings be in the minds and hearts of Americans in years to come.Martin Luther King Jr. was born on January 15, 1929, in Atlanta, Georgia (Martin Luther King Jr.). His birth name was Michael, but he later changed it to Martin (Martin Luther King Jr.). His parents names were Alberta and Martin Luther King, elder Alberta was a homemaker and Martin Sr. was a minister (Martin Luther King Jr.). Martin Jr. also had an older sister, named Christine, and a younger brother, named AlfredRogers 2 (Martin Luther King Jr.). teenaged Martin grew up in Atlanta to a very loving family highly devoted to service and faith. When Martin was young, he first encountered racism when his friends mother (who was white) did not renounce him to play with her white son (Darby 8). Martin was too young to understand completely the meaning of why he was not allowed but the message he was simple, blacks were dissimilar from whites (Darby 9).Martins knowledge was kn let at a young age. He began reading at a very early age his favorite books were astir(predicate) black history and the people who made it (Darby 13). He went to school at local segregated schools in Atlanta. He went to school when he was only quintuple years old, but at the time it was only sub judice for kids to start school at the age of six. After officials found this out, he was forced to depend another year and start again. Martin attended Young Street Elementary and David Elementary Schools.When Martin was a junior in high school he was winning college exams that showed how advanced he was (Martin Luther King Jr.). He was able to go to college at the age of fifteen, skipping two years of high school. Martin attended Morehouse College, an all male childs school and one of the finest black colleges in the country at the time. He studied sociology and original his bachelors degree Morehouse in 1948 (Martin Luther King Jr.). At the time Martin was thinking about becoming a minister.His father being a key role model on his stopping point to become a minister, he described his decision as an inner urge, calling him to serve God and humanity (Carson 501). He was ordained during his final semester at Morehouse (Carson 502). At this time and point in his life, this is also where Martin began to precede his first steps towards his political spotlight.After departing Morehouse, King increased his understanding of liberal Christian thoughts while attending Crozer Theological Seminary in Chester, Pennsylvania from 1948 to 1951 (Carson 502). King had interest in Reinhold Niebuhr neorthodoxy which emphasized the impact of social evil. Martin added he didnt begin a quest or method to eliminate social evil until he attended Crozer (Darby 20). Even as he continued to question and modify his own religious belief, he was performing outstandingly and graduated at the top of his class (Carson 502). He won the Plafker Award for the most outstanding student and received the J. Luis Crozer fellowship to stu dy at any university of his choice (Darby 21). His parents gave him and hug and bought him a brand new Chevy.After graduating from Crozer, King began his doctoral studies in systematic immortal at Boston University in School of Theology (Carson 502). The paper King had written during his time at Boston University had showed little originality but much piracy but had also formulated a decent perspective (Carson 502). By the time King had completed his doctoral studies in 1955, King had a solid view upon a wide range of theological and philosophical texts to express his views with precise information (Carson 502).His new and increased theological insights became known as he expanded his preaching activities at local Boston churches where he had assisted his father at masses. Also during Kings stay in Boston, he had met Coretta Scott, an Alabama born Antioch graduate who was then a student at the New England Conservatory of Music (Carson 502). On June 18, 1953, the students were ma rried in Marion, Alabama, where Corettas family lived (Carson 502).During the succeeding(a) academic year, King began work on his dissertation which he completed during the spring of 1955. Thus finishing his dissertation, he was awarded a doctorate (Ph.D.) I theology and became Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (Darby 23). Although he had thought about pursing an academic career, King decided to accept an offer to become the pastor of Dexter Avenue Baptist church in Montgomery, Alabama (Carson 502).In 1955, King was selected by the Montgomery Improvement Association to protest the arrest of NAACP official Rosa Parks for refusing to give her bus seat up to a white man (Carson 502). With King as their leader, the association led a year long boycott. King gained his leadership abilities by dint of his religious background to gradually form a strategy that involved black churches to gain white support (Carson 502). humannessy of Kings beliefs were also mixed with the concepts on Indian pac ifist leader Mohandas Gandhi to enforce non-violence during his protests.During Kings speech at a local segregated black church, he had gathered four thousand people to hear the story of Rosa Parks (Darby 34). After Martins speech, people cheered and stomped their feet as their reaction. The Civil Rights Movement had begun with King as their leader (Darby 35).King had led the MIAs plan to the use of blacks not using buses until they were legal to have the right to sit anywhere they would please. During the time when blacks did not ride buses, Martin would preach too many to not boast or brag, and if struck, do not strike back (Darby 43). One evening Martin was pulled all over by an officer on his way home, he said he was speeding (Darby 29). The officer had told Martin that he was to be taken to the Montgomery Police, but the way he was taking him was a way through Klansman land. Klansman land was where many African Americans were taken, beaten, and hung without anybody knowing (Da rby 40). Martin was very scared but soon relieved later seeing the sign Montgomery Jail ahead (Darby 40).King was soon released from jail too good news Alabama had passed the new de sequestration law, this meant victory for the blacks and the beginning of change for both races (Darby 42). With the victory, Martin cautioned black people to accept their victory with dignity and to resist violence. When King had time away from his social life, he wish spending time with his three kids. Spending time with his kids had made him stronger and more ready mentally for what was to come (Darby 61).Kings campaign to end segregation at lunch counters and in hiring practices drew nationwide attention when police turned dogs and five horses onto demonstrators (Martin Luther King Jr.). King was jailed with light speeds of supporters, many of them being schoolchildren (Martin Luther King Jr.). After being released from prison, Martin and other Civil Rights Leaders began organizing the historic ma rch in Washington D.C. A mix of races of about 200,000 gathered peacefully at the Lincoln Memorial to demand equal justice for all citizens (Martin Luther King Jr.).Here crowds wereintrigued by Kings excite I have a Dream speech (Martin Luther King Jr.). His speech emphasized his faith that all men, someday, would be brothers (Martin Luther King Jr.). His speech encouraged national opinion that resulted in the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Martin Luther King Jr.). The act enforced desegregation of public accommodation and outlawing discrimination in public owned facilities (Martin Luther King Jr.).The eventful year awarded King the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo in December. Opposition hit within the Civil Rights movement during March of 1965 at a demonstration in Selma, Alabama. The opposition was aimed at giving blacks federal voting rights that would provide legal support for the African Americans in the south (Martin Luther King Jr.). King organized the initial march from Selma to the state capital in Montgomery but did not lead it himself. The marchers were turned back with tear gas and night sticks.Determined for a second march, King set out with fifteen hundred marchers, black and white until the group came to a barrage of state troopers. Instead of forcing a confrontation, he led his followers to kneel and pray then haply turn back (Martin Luther King Jr.). The country was amazed by there actions resulting in the passage of Voting Rights of 1965 (Martin Luther King Jr.).In 1957, he was elected president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, an organization formed to provide new leadership for the civil rights movement (King, Martin Luther, Jr.). His ideas were based from Gandhi in the organization.In a period from 1957-1968, King traveled our six million miles and spoke over twenty five hundred times (King, Martin Luther, Jr.). He was arrested at least twenty times (King, Martin Luther, Jr.). He was assaulted at least four times (Kin g, Martin Luther, Jr.). He was awarded five honorary degrees was named Man of the Year by Time magazine in 1963 (King, Martin Luther, Jr.).His strategy of encouraging nonviolent protest and interracial cooperation enabled him to fight against the Southern system (King, Martin Luther, Jr.). Kings inspirational leadership and his speeches helped to evaluate a local bus protest into a historical event (King, Martin Luther, Jr.). He was not only the symbolic leader of African Americans but also a world figure. He was the youngest man ever to receive the Nobel Peace Prize (thirty five years of age). He also turned down the prize money of $54, 123 and it would go to the civil rights movement.He delivered his famous speech of Ive Been to the Mountaintop, April 3, 1968 (King, Martin Luther, Jr.). This had been Kings last speech. At 601 p.m. of April 4, 1968, while standing on the balcony of his motel room in Memphis, Tennessee, where he lead a protest for striking sanitation workers, he wa s assassinated (King, Martin Luther, Jr.). Martin was a man, he was not God. His charismatic and powerful way of speaking had changed American lives until present day. He was a man of vision and determination. He was often overworked and overtired, but this had never stopped him of dreaming what could be.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Internal Control and Risk Evaluation Essay
In todays society, interior controls are applied to support an presidential terms managers to become more successfully to release the responsibilities by applying and understanding internal control concepts. Internal controls are most frequently saw as a lot of red tape however, internal controls have different circumstances when confirming high moral and ethical values which should be communicated in an organization. Internal controls are essenti whollyy composed of five interrelated components which are communication and reading, monitoring, control environment, risk assessment, and control activities. The four areas of concerns are accounts due, payroll, accounts payable, and livestock. The identification of risks in the system, how the risk would be merged into the flowcharts, the internal controls that must be used, and an evaluation of the internal control system, and outside controls must be used. The biggest vulnerability area is accounts due be showcase of an auditing and chronicle perspective this is where the point money is received into the organization. In the flowchart, account receivable is recognizable as the point where payments pull up stakes be posted. Account receivable has a secondary risk area in which the late charges, interest and other fees are added.The area of payroll is where the main risk concern will always be an individual superseding payroll internal controls. An additional internal control that can be applied by use of flowchart designs will be for authorized individuals having access to the authentic payroll processing function that provide access for authorizations of direct deposit/ or the printing of the payroll checks. imprimatur is the main internal control area with accounts payable. The nonexistence of authorization is the major weakness, which can be in the form of control overrides in the AIS and physical form. As associated to the flowchart, there is an important weakness that willexist in the process from t he requesting department to other areas. The most critical internal control point is the inventory because of the physical counts corresponding with the AIS records. On the flowchart, inventory is identified as the point where inventory levels are maintained and tracked because of the easy access the area poses the biggest risk. Risks in SystemThe risk with using any accounting software will always have uncertainties. Some of the risks are human error entropy input, hostage breaches, and fraud that put increase pressure on management staff in maintaining or achieving financial targets which have intensified the risk of inappropriate accounting or disappointment to disclose associated party transactions. The statement above only means that the organization needs to have security controls that forbid management from manipulating data for investor purposes. Another essential risk would be the establishment of illegal programs which delete or access files, corrupt files by the install ation of a virus, changing the programs that cause un bankable data to process. Threats and risks to databases might include unauthorized access that allows altering, deleting, corrupting, destroying, or stealing data (Beard and Wen, 2007, p. 212). To conserve the loss of important data using accompaniment files are crucial that will be overwhelming to an organization. The organizations good reputation will be at risk if essential information reporting is misused, misdirected, and could cause damage to the competiveness of the organization. Internal Risks and ControlsIn the society today many hackers is known to have both external and internal risks that can soften an organization security systems. Therefore, the collection of data is critical to establishing virtuous security controls for external and internal that ensure complete secure transactions, verification of the data is valid, and unloosen from errors. Tapping into the organizations telecommunication lines can be an act ivity that may seriously impact the data collection (Beard and Wen, 2007, p. 217). Integrating exceptional internal control methods are a requirement to address exposure to major risks in an organization electronic accounting system because the responsibility primarily on the management staff. Creating and maintaining active internal controls includes the assessment, testing, and documentationof internal controls which includes operations, access, program development, and changes. Internal Controls to Mitigate RiskEliminating risk of internal controls is by establishing some of the following Maintenance of records that detail and reflect all transactions Disposition of said transactions including the disposition of the assets Record transactions accurately to permit valid financial statements in accordance with GAAP employ timely and decisive detection of unauthorized transactions Evaluation of Internal ControlsFor Kudler Fine Foods to certify appropriate application of internal co ntrols into the organization systems, control activities must exist. The internal controls will include but are not limited to activity or functional management evaluations, transaction assessments, reconciliations, statistics processing and physical controls, and separation of duties. The evaluation of application of internal controls inside an accounting system should be ongoing and frequent. Kudler Fine Foods must make sure the organization maintain acceptable resources, make available financial, operational, and compliance with correlated information. The organization employees obligations and control responsibilities should be successfully communicated while ensuring compliance is the number one imperative factor. Kudler Fine Foods take must exist for every individual to report alleged improprieties and the employee recommendations are petitioned and acknowledged.ReferencesBeard, D. and Wen, H.J. (2007). Reducing the Threat Levels for Accounting Information Systems. Challenge s for Management, Accountants, Auditors, and Academicians. Retrieved August 12, 2009 from http// University of Pennsylvania, (2009). Internal Controls Self-Assessment A run away to Internal Controls. Retrieved August 13, 2009 from http//
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Work and Travel U.S.a
Governmental Department of Education, Youth and Sports. Lyceum Vasil Levschi Conference Selection English actors line Theme wee and start U. S. A. comprise by Vitcovschii Igor 11 Fudulaki Dmitrii 11 Research advisor Chisinau-2012 Contain 1. Introduction3 2.What kind of architectural plan is it?.. 3 a) Requirements3 b) How to apply for the spend pee and pop off design4 c) be given & actuate tincture by step4 d) Goals 10 e) Problems with the class10 3. Conclusion14 4. Sources. 15 5. Supplements. 6 1. Introduction. Our theme is act upon and activate in the ground forces. deform and snuff it ground forces is a design of transnational cultural exchange which whollyows students from polar countries of the world, to depart on summer vacations to the United States to cause and travel. The essential purpose of the plan is to acquaint irrelevant students with the purification and life of modern America and the statistical distri preciselyion of other(a) cultures a mong its inhabitants. Weve chosen this theme, because we return it is genuinely hot topic nowa long time.A commode of stack from different countries use this course of instruction to transaction and travel in foreign realm the ground forces. In our work we talk non whole nearlywhat the benefits and the limitations of this genius, we pull up stakes tell you well-nigh daubs, which attract pot use this program, active peoples views who used this program. We think that it is in truth actual theme, because a lot of students who inadequacy to use this program foolt be a lot about it, and they weart get going where they corporation start in motleyation. Of cause they mint find it through the internet, except non every topic from at that confide is true.We get out tell you about the relations which fold between students and citizens in an unfamiliar, alien environment for them, about how they dis closelipped to earn, about the ch altoge thithernges they fac e in that respect, and the opportunities to be deceived by unscrupulous companies. 2. What kind of program is it? The founder of the program and its main supervisor is theDepartment of State, which determines the round of students that concord a right to soak up part from each unmatched year. Companies that re defend the program abroad, register students in the program, and wait on to provide data and get the required documents.Also, most agencies suffice program participants to plan their journey to their future tense place ofwork, giving the surmisal of purchasing international air lane tickets onstudentstariffs. a) Requirements. To participate in this program, students must see the following requirements. Participants must be post- bet onary tame students who ar actively pursuing a degree or a full- cadence course of study at an accredited educational institution in their country of residence whitethorn participate in the Summer Work program only if during their summer vacation.Students may non participate in this program during clock time periods other than their summer vacations. Prospective exchange visitors must in like manner possess sufficient proficiency in the English run-in to participate in their programs. b) How to apply for the summer Work and Travel program. there atomic number 18 a number of local agencies that work with American sponsors and recruit Summer Work and Travel Program participants. These agencies and American sponsors hold strain fairs throughout Moldova during the winter and spring during which qualified participants can be queryed by prospective employers.Local agencies can in any case uphold participants locate employment on their own. The final step involves an interview with a consular officer at the U. S. Embassy in Chisinau, which the local agency impart swear out to arrange. The purpose of the interview is as surely that participants meet the requirements of the program and is eligible to pe rplex visas. c) Work Step by Step Prep ar right off what? Youve been accepted to the Work & Travel USA program its time to prep atomic number 18 for a successful experience. In this section, well talk about alpha documents and things youll hire to do onwards leaving your home country.Youll call for to plan your transportation and lodgment, pack your luggage, and much Important Documents You must invite menses and correct documents, or you might non be allowed to calculate the U. S. P acquire crystallize sure that you have all of the important documents explained below. posit at to the lowest degree cardinal photocopies of each document, and leave 1 copy at home with a p bent or friend. Do not pack any of these documents in your plosive consonanted baggage take all of them on the plane with you. Your luggage could be lost during your travel, and you may be required to return home if you do not have these documents with you. 1.DS-2019 Form This form is issued by yo ur legal sponsor, and is provided to you by your representative in your home country. You lead need your DS-2019 Form for your J-1 indorse interview at the U. S. Embassy. When you receive your DS-2019 form, please check that your work dates are correct. If they are incorrect, notify your representative immediately and have them corrected. You allow for also need to present your DS-2019 form to the in-migration officer upon debut to the U. S. 2. SEVIS Receipt You impart receive this official receipt a tenacious with your DS-2019 Form after your Work & Travel coat is successfully processed.You will need to take the SEVIS receipt with you to your embassy interview. 3. Passport and J-1 Visa You need a valid passport and a valid J-1 Visa in order to enter the U. S. To get your J-1 Visa, you need to contact the U. S. Embassy in your home country and schedule an interview. Its comply-at- fit your representative will help you with this, so be sure to ask them. Your J-1 Visa will not e whether it is a single entry or multiple entry visa. If you have an M in your J-1 visa this means you can 4. enter the U. S. multiple times.If you have an S in your J-1 Visa this means that you can only enter the U. S. ONLY genius time. 5. I -94 Arrival elevator card The I-94 is a critically important document You will receive this card on your flight to the U. S. and it is required for the tender earnest number application. You should ask the U. S. impost official to staple your I-94 to your passport once you enter the country. If you lose your I-94 card originally you applying for a Social Security number you will need to apply for a replacement I-94 card and this will cause significant time delays.During this time you may not be able to work and its very workable you will be required to return home early because of these problems. Please take boot of your I-94 card 6. Customs Declaration Form 6059B You will receive this card on your flight to the U. S. and must fill i t out before waiver through Customs. 7. Insurance ID/wellness & Safety Pocket Guide This feed withstands important information about your travel redress and serves as your insurance card. Write your DS-2019 number on your insurance card in the space coroneted Member ID. When you are in the U. S. eep this card with you at all times, since it will be required if you seek medical exam assistance. Your Health & Safety guide also contains useful health and safety tips. 8. Employment Offer Agreement Form (EOAF) This document is your job cartel with your employer. It indicates the dilate of your job and the dates you have agreed to work. The immigration officer may ask you to present this form upon entry to the U. S. Before you depart for the U. S. There are some important things that you need to do before you depart for the U. S. If you have any questions as you prepare for the program, talk to your representative.If your plans or travel dates change, be sure to allow your repre sentative know, as you will not be able to make changes to your DS-2019 and/or program dates once you are in the U. S. Plan your Transportation and living accommodations Plan your transportation and jury-rigged housing in the U. S. before departing. You should research transportation (buses, trains, and subway systems) from the airport to your job as well as temporary housing (hostels and affordable hotels or motels). Be sure to consider alternate options in campaign you need to change your plan a commodious the way.Your employer can be a good resource for advice on transportation and housing. Bring Enough Money When you enter the U. S. , it is required that you show proof of funds (at least $800 if you have a job upon entering the U. S. or $1cc if you do not already have a sustained job) to customs. Only cash, bank statements, and travelers checks are accepted as proof of funds. CIEE recommends that you experience more money if possible in case of unexpected problems. You tru st to make sure that you have wasted money to cover all of your expenses before you receive your first presentroll check.Contact your Employer Once your travel plans have been finalized, contact your employer in the U. S. Let them know when you will arrive, and make sure the dates on your DS-2019 Form gybe the dates your employer expects you to work. If any of your plans or travel dates change, be sure to contact your employer. Its possible that your employer will be fall by the wayside to meet you at the airport or bus station when you arrive. Share your flight details with them and work out a plan to get to the job. Also, confirm your employers phone number(s) in case on that point are any unexpected delays.Finally, your employer is an excellent resource for local information on housing. They might be able to helping ideas on what to do and where to stay. Pack your Bags When preparing to depart for the U. S. , make sure to pack all of your important documents as well as a change of clothes and anything else you might need in your carry-on bag, in case your checked luggage is delayed. When packing your bags, note the following 1. Always check with your airline before you travel about luggage occupyrictions. 2. Take an extra set of clothes in your carry-on luggage. 3. Make sure you pack your important documents in your carry-on luggage.Pack copies in your checked luggage. 4. any prescription drugs should be clearly marked and accompanied by a prescription from your doctor. 5. Do not bring articles made from protected species or perishable foods such as cheese, fruit, or nuts. 6. If you bring alcohol, you must be 21 or older. 7. If you carry more than $10,000 you must report this to a customs official. Arrive Welcome to the U. S. Now what do you do? When you first enter the U. S. it is a good idea to contact your employer, during regular business hours, to allow them know you have arrived and are locomotion to your job.If your plane arrives late an d you will not arrive as scheduled at your job, notify your employer of your overbold time. And hold outt forget to call your parents or relatives back home so they know you have safely arrived in the U. S. Immigration and Customs When you enter the U. S. , it is important that you cooperate fully with the Customs formal and answer all of their questions clearly and respectfully. The Officer may ask you some general questions about your visit, program, and the place where you will stay. You should be prepared to present U. S.Customs Officials with all of your relevant travel documentation. They will ask you many questions related to the information you have provided on your I-94 Arrival post-horse and Customs Declaration Form (Form 6059B), as well as about the nature of your citizenship, your trip, and any unusual items you are bringing into the U. S. Expect to have your baggage opened for examination, and make sure that you have declared any non travel-related goods that you ha ve with you. Collect Your Bags afterwards passing through Immigration and Customs, follow signs to the baggage make area.To find the correct carousel, check the march board for your flight number. If you waited a long time at Customs, your bags may have already passed through and been position on the floor of the baggage area. If your luggage is lost or delayed, go to the airline desk at the airport and file a lost luggage report. If you know where you will be staying in the U. S. , prepare this address if you dont know where you will be staying, provide your employers address so your bags can be delivered there. Housing Do your vanquish to find housing long before your arrival in the U. S.In many cases, your employer may have recommendations for short- or long-run housing near your workplace. If you are get-go the search on your own, use the resources below. Most importantly, dont arrive in the U. S. without any pre-arranged housing. For the first fewer nights in the U. S. you may need short-run housing. Hostels, affordable motels, or universities and colleges are good options. Its even better if you can travel and cover expenses with other Work & Travel USA students. Make reservations ahead of time to make sure you have a bed or room when you arrive.When planning your long term-housing, consider living with other Work & Travel students this is a great way to make young friends and save money. Also consider whether or not the housing is furnished, acknowledges utilities, and whether it is close to work or is close to public transportation, as these can all affect your monthly costs. Rent, Sub permit, or Share? When you start smell for a place to live, you will find apartments that are available to rent, sublet, or share. 1. Rent When you rent an apartment you sign a lease, or contract, with a landlord.Pay close attention to the lease agreement, as there may be penalties for breaking the contract. For example, if you lease an apartment for four months but decide to leave after two months, there may be a financial penalty in amplification to your rent. 2. Sublet A sublet is an apartment or room rented by the owner or leaseholder to other person. Finding a sublet is a good option because it gives you flexibility similar to a month-to-month lease. 3. Share If you share an apartment you will pay a portion of the rent and common apartment expenses. This can be easier than looking for a place yourself.If you decide to share an apartment, make sure to meet your possible roommate to get a feel for the situation. Your first instinct is always your best, and you should not accept a situation that you dont feel agreeable with. Eviction Eviction means being removed from your housing, and there are many reasons your landlord can do this, including not paying rent on time, do too much noise, or damaging property. If you are evicted from your housing, you should get an eviction notice and be given a deadline to leave the housing. Do not let eviction happen to you Be respectful of your living situation.This means paying the rent on time, taking care of your property, and following all of the rules in your lease or living agreement. If you have any concerns, talk to your landlord or the person responsible. Work Work & Travel USA is an fortune not only to search the U. S. , but also to earn money, make spic-and-span friends, practice English, and experience what its really like to be part of a new culture. however first, you need to find a job and understand how to get started. Check out this section to check out about everything from getting a job, to Social Security, to income taxes.I dont have a job yet If you traveled to the U. S. without a job, you will need to find one as soon as possible. For suggestions and resources to help you find a job enchantment in the United States, please visit the Find a argumentation section. The list of all work places is very freehand. You can find all kinds of jobs, a nd every can be very interesting and well- salaried. As compared with salary in Moldova, in the U. S. jobs are paid much well then in Moldova, and that salary is enough for staying there for a long time. List of jobs is varied cheer pack worker Barmen Cashiercasino host Builder Cook or cook assistant Customer service Dish washer maidservant Janitor Painter Wood worker Car painter or Body shop worker Waiter How we can see jobs are simple, but they are taking a lot of time and force. I want to find a second job This is a great idea. Many Work & Travel USA students get second jobs while theyre in the United States. There are some simple and important reminders that you should be aware of. Your primary job is your first responsibility. It is important that your second job does not interfere with your primary job.Make sure you let your manager know if you are looking for a second job. Salary Check with your employer to key out how often you will be paid. Most students get paid weekly or every other week. typically you will receive a paycheck that you deposit into your bank account. Some employers may offer the option of direct deposit, which means that your salary will be deposited directly into your account. In either case, your employer will give you a salary statement, paystub, or pay slip, which will show the hours you worked and the amount you were paid.It will also contain information about the taxes and other deductions interpreted out of your paycheck. Depending on your agreement with your employer, you might also have uniform, housing, union membership dues, or other work-related items deducted from your salary. After you receive your first paycheck, review it to ensure there are no errors. If you have questions about your paycheck, speak with your employer. Remember that you do not pay Social Security and Medicare taxes if these were deducted in error, speak with your employer. tokenish Wage There is a minimum absorb that employers in the U.S. are r equired to pay. Please note that the wage for some positions earning tips (for example waiter or waitress) may be less than the minimum wage. Overtime At times, there may be opportunities to work redundant hours. As a new employee, it is a good idea to accept these overtime hours when possible. Many companies will pay you one-and-a-half times more than the normal wage rate for extra hours. Ask your employer for high society overtime policies. Travel If you intend to travel at the end of your Work & Travel USA program, you are free to explore the U.S. for the period of time indicated on your Confirmation of Insurance document. However, when you have approved time off from work during your DS-2019 dates, you are able to travel. Be sure to talk with your manager about the possibility of taking time off from work for travel. You should always ask for days off at least a week in advance. Depending on the agreement you signed with your representative, you may also have a Travel Period following your official work dates, during which your program insurance coverage remains in place.Your overall Program Dates are those stated on your Confirmation of Insurance Coverage document that you received with your DS-2019, and include both the work period and Travel Period. If you did not sign up for a Travel Period when applying for the program, it is not possible to add this once you are in the U. S. d) Goals. Why students are going to America? Every student has his own goal. Some of them want just to travel, some want to verify their language knowledge and to use it in, some want to buy there the newest gadgets, because they are cheaper in the U. S.Also, what these people want, whatever they just have fun, earn experience, find new friends But sponsors also have some goals too. Theyve written this one The goals of the Work & Travel program are to 1. Facilitate peace, tolerance and understanding through international exchange, global adventure and intercultural interaction . 2. Provide an opportunity for young people from around the world to challenge themselves through learning to work, grow and live in some other country and culture. 3. Enable young people an affordable option to participate in a quality summer work & travel program. ) Problems with the program. For some one Work and Travel is a profit, for others-its a fear. There are a lot of firms-phantoms that take the money and do nothing. In advertisings is written that You can travel all U. S. only for 200$, in other only for 600$. Is it true? Is it possible to earn more then you give and also make an adventure? No One of the owners of Work and Travel said that maximum you need to pay 2300 or 2600 $. It is the bill for some of the verifications. That is some of the tariffs that you need to pay for the program 1065 $-only to find a job in U.S. A. ,to issue a contract of employment, health insurance,for a letter of recommendationtoget a loving security number, ID card Intrax (such as identical ness cards), formDS2719 (on the basisof whichoffera visa), paymentservice,charged by theUnited Statesfrom allparticipants in the program 100 $ for the servicesof the smart set 131$-for the visa, this amount is paid tothe Embassy about 700$ the priceof a plane ticket. In total,the studentmustpay about 2000 $forshort-term employment contractin America.Another problem-every 3-d student doesnt return home in time of vise. In 2007 theU. S. Embassyissuedvisafor more than 5000studentsfor the program Summer Work and Travel. sedible corn the factthat one of theconditions for participationin the program isto returnin Moldova onfamily 17, but about 20% of students who leftin summer2007in the U. S. ,did not returnhome, andmore than 40%returned afterthe deadline forthe return ofthe lectures. Almost allthe reststayedin the U. S. longer than conditionin the visaperiod.Ambassadorof Moldovain the United States, NicolaeChirtoaca, said During the summer periodin the practiceof frequentreception of t he Embassyincludenoticesfrom prison,reportingon cases ofdetention and shoe collar of our studentswho comefor seasonal work. One of the reasons the excessspecified in the visaperiod of stayin the U. S. illegally, orchange of employmentnot specifiedin the contract. There arealso cases where theMoldovanstudentswere detainedin the U. S. for petty theftin largestores. There are a lot of more scary problemsWhen you came in USA- you dont know anybody, you dont know where you are, how and what to do you are exclusively in strange side. When you come in the USA your job offer can cast you, and then you are left there without money, food, house, you dont know the city, you can lost there without anything, without hope. But there are big advantages One of them that you quickly become independent, because there is no one who will do your work, you will depend only on you. You are living alone you must do your work only by yourself. And at drop dead you earn money, which you can spend for tra velling or some things that you want.Another advantage is that you learn more about the US culture, life, habitats, and holydays. But there is a big unhappy aspect-you can use Work and Travel program only 2 times, and when you get visa second time, the workers of the firm warn you that it is your last time of using Work ant Travel program. Looking at all aspects, problems and spending, would we use the Work and Travel program? Its difficult question that involve reasonable answer. If you want to see new places, if you want to improve your spoken English, if you want to learn some thing new and if you strong enough to be alone-you will use this program.We know that there are a lot of people, who use W&T program. Ive spoken with one some and that is what he tells me His telling about first operations at his place with his documents Today has set the seals to summer session and at once has gone, has handed over the students record-book in Pegas. Like as tonight my documents should go already on DS-form reception. Somewhere in the middle of March means I will go to consulate It is as usual quiet as a boa. Still today has received one more JobOffer (yes-yes, here such in life not justice, at somebody it isnt present absolutely, and at someone it is some).From May, 4th till September, 4th the boss has sent such approximate accounting MAY $1650. 00 June $2095. 00 July $2285. 00 August $2805. 00 September $375. 00 (this could be more if I were to slide by your employment) Total $9210. 00 The total amount looks anything so, quite. Especially considering that meal and habitation there the free Here now it was puzzled, it is necessary to count up, how many I will earn if I go simply in SF for example and I search there for work, I find, I live and take somewhere meal Nevertheless the variant with CA is pleasant to me more so it is necessary to weigh all PRO AND CONTRAthence he told me about the process in the embassy On an input the passport you give, write down in ma gazine. You pass through the metal detector. You go on the 4th floor. There too you stash away the passport, you pass through framework. You pass in a waiting room small with chairs further and there stub partitions two windows where consuls sit as in exchange cash desk for armor glasses. At the left the woman, on the right the man The man very long asks all and from its party constantly a laughter is audible The woman works quickly on the contrary. -Hello -Hello Please put your students book. What is your force? -Computer science in economy -Why do you want to go to the U. S. A? -I like travelling. -Did you travel before? -Yes, I was in Britain last summer For work there went? (The sense was that, asked once more type Sorry? ) -I was on English courses and.. -? -With student visa in Britain I can work only 20 hours, so I work 20 hours. Put the left finger for scanning. Now the right. Thanks. As whom you will work in states? (Has besides asked over again) -I will work on mobil e surrender unit food concession What concession? -Food selling food. Type and what to sell that you will be? -Hot dogs, pop corn -Do you like hot dogs? -Yeeeeees -Ok. Your visa approved. -Thank you. Bye. All dialogue has occupied on can minute-two Very quickly all When There is there that already on the automatic machine ask again Sorry? If It is hardly not clear In life the most important thing is sincerity learn it to represent and the success is provided. Then he gave me some posts from his blog, which he was writing in the U. S. A 1)Has once again soundless, how badly I know English.Has come on mail and here has dumb that I vaguely represent how to tell a phrase I should receive a parcel (but hasnt received). sure as shooting I could explain it and me have understood even from the first But probably impression I make the real guest worker (as in the Russian Federation different Asians). His notion about disadvantages of W&T if you want to practice your English Gathered t o America Thought (has been assured) what big city, I want in small American village And that there was no Russian for they and in the Russian Federation suffice meThought I will speak only in an English, to work with Americans and so on Well also what? Than all it has ended? I live in almost trillion city which is considered most European, in Russian area, removing habitation at Russian- mouth, my neighbour about the room Russian-speaking, my flat mates Russian-speaking, on work at me ALL Russian-speaking And in addition I write in the blog in Russian and I go to read Russian intelligence and forums And also his opinion about the USA and the UK Here 3,5 months I in America (well hardly it is more).Exactly so much I have stayed in last year in Britain. Also that I have noticed Those 3,5 months in Britain I remember almost every day, all the summer long was one cool adventure. I remember as have arrived, as went to college as searched for work as went on it as we went to Oxford a nd Cambridge as somewhere went all that was then. yet work is there was an adventure part, a part of knowledge of Britain 3,5 months in America Well how to tell I remember the first 3 days after an arrival, and continuous gray frequent life all rest, routineThere are some fascinating moments (which are remembered when you re-read this diary), but also those as though in a haze That is simply stupid working day after day and any adventures and romanticism. As-it it is not correct 4. Conclusion. Looking at all aspects, problems and spending, would we use the Work and Travel program? Its a difficult question that needs a reasonable answer. If you want to see new places, if you want to improve your spoken English, if you want to learn some thing new and if you strong enough to be alone-you will use this program.Work & Travel USA program gives you a chance to be much more than a tourist Experience life in the U. S. by working side-by-side with locals. Its a real American experience th at also helps to cover travel expenses Dialogue with the friend who is in the USA. -Hello, Friend -Hi -How are you? I know hat youre in the USA. Is it true? -Yes, Im in the USA -What are you doing there? How do you get there? -Ive get here with help of the W program, and this program had helped me to find work. -Where are you working? -Im working in a very beautiful restaurant And how is going? -Its a hard job. Very hard. I went through humiliation, because Im not from America. -Its very sad. -First time it was very hard. I didnt know this city, I didnt know anyone. Every thing was foreign for me. But I found a good place to live. I found Russian speaking people. I found new friends. -And how are you now? -Im fine. I have heavy but well paid job, I have new friends, Ive learnt a lot of new things about the USA. -Wow Youve learnt so much thing being in the USA How do you think should I try this program? I think that this will give you a good life experience, a new knowledge about thi s country and about people who live there Try it You may go to the one of offices of W&T program and they will give you all the information you need. Its a real American experience that also helps to cover travel expenses Bye. 5. Sources. Sites 1. moldova. usembassy. gov 2. migratie. md 3. en. wikipedia. org 4. myworkandtravel. com. ua 5. simplex. dp. ua 6. workandtravel. su 6. Supplements. pic pic pic pic picpic picpic picpic picpic picpic picpic picpicpicpicpicpicWork and Travel U.S.aGovernmental Department of Education, Youth and Sports. Lyceum Vasil Levschi Conference Selection English language Theme Work and Travel U. S. A. Made by Vitcovschii Igor 11 Fudulaki Dmitrii 11 Research advisor Chisinau-2012 Contain 1. Introduction3 2.What kind of program is it?.. 3 a) Requirements3 b) How to apply for the summer Work and Travel program4 c) Work & Travel Step by step4 d) Goals 10 e) Problems with the program10 3. Conclusion14 4. Sources. 15 5. Supplements. 6 1. Introduction. Our them e is Work and Travel in the USA. Work and Travel USA is a program of international cultural exchange which allows students from different countries of the world, to depart on summer vacations to the United States to work and travel. The primary purpose of the program is to acquaint foreign students with the culture and life of modern America and the distribution of other cultures among its inhabitants. Weve chosen this theme, because we think it is very hot topic nowadays.A lot of people from different countries use this program to work and travel in foreign country the USA. In our work we talk not only about the benefits and the limitations of this one, we will tell you about situations, which make people use this program, about peoples views who used this program. We think that it is very actual theme, because a lot of students who want to use this program dont know a lot about it, and they dont know where they can find information. Of cause they can find it through the internet, but not every topic from there is true.We will tell you about the relations which fold between students and citizens in an unfamiliar, alien environment for them, about how they learn to earn, about the challenges they face there, and the opportunities to be deceived by unscrupulous companies. 2. What kind of program is it? The founder of the program and its main supervisor is theDepartment of State, which determines the number of students that have a right to take part each year. Companies that represent the program abroad, register students in the program, and help to provide information and get the necessary documents.Also, some agencies help program participants to plan their journey to their future place ofwork, giving the possibility of purchasing international airline tickets onstudentstariffs. a) Requirements. To participate in this program, students must meet the following requirements. Participants must be post-secondary school students who are actively pursuing a degree or a full-time course of study at an accredited educational institution in their country of residence may participate in the Summer Work program only during their summer vacation.Students may not participate in this program during time periods other than their summer vacations. Prospective exchange visitors must also possess sufficient proficiency in the English language to participate in their programs. b) How to apply for the summer Work and Travel program. There are a number of local agencies that work with American sponsors and recruit Summer Work and Travel Program participants. These agencies and American sponsors hold job fairs throughout Moldova during the winter and spring during which qualified participants can be interviewed by prospective employers.Local agencies can also help participants locate employment on their own. The final step involves an interview with a consular officer at the U. S. Embassy in Chisinau, which the local agency will help to arrange. The purpose of the interview is ensure that participants meet the requirements of the program and is eligible to receive visas. c) Work Step by Step Prepare Now what? Youve been accepted to the Work & Travel USA program its time to prepare for a successful experience. In this section, well talk about important documents and things youll need to do before leaving your home country.Youll need to plan your transportation and housing, pack your luggage, and more Important Documents You must have current and correct documents, or you might not be allowed to enter the U. S. Please make sure that you have all of the important documents explained below. Make at least two photocopies of each document, and leave one copy at home with a parent or friend. Do not pack any of these documents in your checked luggage take all of them on the plane with you. Your luggage could be lost during your travel, and you may be required to return home if you do not have these documents with you. 1.DS-2019 Form This form is issued by your legal sponsor, and is provided to you by your representative in your home country. You will need your DS-2019 Form for your J-1 Visa interview at the U. S. Embassy. When you receive your DS-2019 form, please check that your work dates are correct. If they are incorrect, notify your representative immediately and have them corrected. You will also need to present your DS-2019 form to the immigration officer upon entry to the U. S. 2. SEVIS Receipt You will receive this official receipt along with your DS-2019 Form after your Work & Travel application is successfully processed.You will need to take the SEVIS receipt with you to your embassy interview. 3. Passport and J-1 Visa You need a valid passport and a valid J-1 Visa in order to enter the U. S. To get your J-1 Visa, you need to contact the U. S. Embassy in your home country and schedule an interview. Its possible your representative will help you with this, so be sure to ask them. Your J-1 Visa will note whethe r it is a single entry or multiple entry visa. If you have an M in your J-1 visa this means you can 4. enter the U. S. multiple times.If you have an S in your J-1 Visa this means that you can only enter the U. S. ONLY one time. 5. I -94 Arrival Card The I-94 is a critically important document You will receive this card on your flight to the U. S. and it is required for the Social Security number application. You should ask the U. S. Customs official to staple your I-94 to your passport once you enter the country. If you lose your I-94 card before you applying for a Social Security number you will need to apply for a replacement I-94 card and this will cause significant time delays.During this time you may not be able to work and its very possible you will be required to return home early because of these problems. Please take care of your I-94 card 6. Customs Declaration Form 6059B You will receive this card on your flight to the U. S. and must fill it out before going through Cust oms. 7. Insurance ID/Health & Safety Pocket Guide This guide contains important information about your travel insurance and serves as your insurance card. Write your DS-2019 number on your insurance card in the space titled Member ID. When you are in the U. S. eep this card with you at all times, since it will be required if you seek medical assistance. Your Health & Safety guide also contains useful health and safety tips. 8. Employment Offer Agreement Form (EOAF) This document is your job agreement with your employer. It indicates the details of your job and the dates you have agreed to work. The immigration officer may ask you to present this form upon entry to the U. S. Before you depart for the U. S. There are some important things that you need to do before you depart for the U. S. If you have any questions as you prepare for the program, talk to your representative.If your plans or travel dates change, be sure to let your representative know, as you will not be able to make changes to your DS-2019 and/or program dates once you are in the U. S. Plan your Transportation and Housing Plan your transportation and temporary housing in the U. S. before departing. You should research transportation (buses, trains, and subway systems) from the airport to your job as well as temporary housing (hostels and affordable hotels or motels). Be sure to consider alternate options in case you need to change your plan along the way.Your employer can be a good resource for advice on transportation and housing. Bring Enough Money When you enter the U. S. , it is required that you show proof of funds (at least $800 if you have a job upon entering the U. S. or $1200 if you do not already have a confirmed job) to customs. Only cash, bank statements, and travelers checks are accepted as proof of funds. CIEE recommends that you bring more money if possible in case of unexpected problems. You want to make sure that you have extra money to cover all of your expenses before you rec eive your first paycheck.Contact your Employer Once your travel plans have been finalized, contact your employer in the U. S. Let them know when you will arrive, and make sure the dates on your DS-2019 Form match the dates your employer expects you to work. If any of your plans or travel dates change, be sure to contact your employer. Its possible that your employer will be willing to meet you at the airport or bus station when you arrive. Share your flight details with them and work out a plan to get to the job. Also, confirm your employers phone number(s) in case there are any unexpected delays.Finally, your employer is an excellent resource for local information on housing. They might be able to share ideas on what to do and where to stay. Pack your Bags When preparing to depart for the U. S. , make sure to pack all of your important documents as well as a change of clothes and anything else you might need in your carry-on bag, in case your checked luggage is delayed. When packin g your bags, note the following 1. Always check with your airline before you travel about luggage restrictions. 2. Take an extra set of clothes in your carry-on luggage. 3. Make sure you pack your important documents in your carry-on luggage.Pack copies in your checked luggage. 4. All prescription drugs should be clearly marked and accompanied by a prescription from your doctor. 5. Do not bring articles made from protected species or perishable foods such as cheese, fruit, or nuts. 6. If you bring alcohol, you must be 21 or older. 7. If you carry more than $10,000 you must report this to a customs official. Arrive Welcome to the U. S. Now what do you do? When you first enter the U. S. it is a good idea to contact your employer, during regular business hours, to let them know you have arrived and are traveling to your job.If your plane arrives late and you will not arrive as scheduled at your job, notify your employer of your new time. And dont forget to call your parents or relative s back home so they know you have safely arrived in the U. S. Immigration and Customs When you enter the U. S. , it is important that you cooperate fully with the Customs Official and answer all of their questions clearly and respectfully. The Officer may ask you some general questions about your visit, program, and the place where you will stay. You should be prepared to present U. S.Customs Officials with all of your relevant travel documentation. They will ask you many questions related to the information you have provided on your I-94 Arrival Card and Customs Declaration Form (Form 6059B), as well as about the nature of your citizenship, your trip, and any unusual items you are bringing into the U. S. Expect to have your baggage opened for examination, and make sure that you have declared any non travel-related goods that you have with you. Collect Your Bags After passing through Immigration and Customs, follow signs to the baggage claim area.To find the correct carousel, check the display board for your flight number. If you waited a long time at Customs, your bags may have already passed through and been placed on the floor of the baggage area. If your luggage is lost or delayed, go to the airline desk at the airport and file a lost luggage report. If you know where you will be staying in the U. S. , give this address if you dont know where you will be staying, provide your employers address so your bags can be delivered there. Housing Do your best to find housing long before your arrival in the U. S.In many cases, your employer may have recommendations for short- or long-term housing near your workplace. If you are beginning the search on your own, use the resources below. Most importantly, dont arrive in the U. S. without any pre-arranged housing. For the first few nights in the U. S. you may need short-term housing. Hostels, affordable motels, or universities and colleges are good options. Its even better if you can travel and share expenses with othe r Work & Travel USA students. Make reservations ahead of time to make sure you have a bed or room when you arrive.When planning your long term-housing, consider living with other Work & Travel students this is a great way to make new friends and save money. Also consider whether or not the housing is furnished, includes utilities, and whether it is close to work or is close to public transportation, as these can all affect your monthly costs. Rent, Sublet, or Share? When you start looking for a place to live, you will find apartments that are available to rent, sublet, or share. 1. Rent When you rent an apartment you sign a lease, or contract, with a landlord.Pay close attention to the lease agreement, as there may be penalties for breaking the contract. For example, if you lease an apartment for four months but decide to leave after two months, there may be a financial penalty in addition to your rent. 2. Sublet A sublet is an apartment or room rented by the owner or leaseholder t o another person. Finding a sublet is a good option because it gives you flexibility similar to a month-to-month lease. 3. Share If you share an apartment you will pay a portion of the rent and common apartment expenses. This can be easier than looking for a place yourself.If you decide to share an apartment, make sure to meet your possible roommate to get a feel for the situation. Your first instinct is always your best, and you should not accept a situation that you dont feel comfortable with. Eviction Eviction means being removed from your housing, and there are many reasons your landlord can do this, including not paying rent on time, making too much noise, or damaging property. If you are evicted from your housing, you should get an eviction notice and be given a deadline to leave the housing. Do not let eviction happen to you Be respectful of your living situation.This means paying the rent on time, taking care of your property, and following all of the rules in your lease or living agreement. If you have any concerns, talk to your landlord or the person responsible. Work Work & Travel USA is an opportunity not only to explore the U. S. , but also to earn money, make new friends, practice English, and experience what its really like to be part of a new culture. But first, you need to find a job and understand how to get started. Check out this section to learn about everything from getting a job, to Social Security, to income taxes.I dont have a job yet If you traveled to the U. S. without a job, you will need to find one as soon as possible. For suggestions and resources to help you find a job while in the United States, please visit the Find a Job section. The list of all work places is very big. You can find all kinds of jobs, and every can be very interesting and well-paid. As compared with salary in Moldova, in the U. S. jobs are paid much well then in Moldova, and that salary is enough for staying there for a long time. List of jobs is varied Amuse ment pack worker Barmen CashierCasino host Builder Cook or cook assistant Customer service Dish washer Maid Janitor Painter Wood worker Car painter or Body shop worker Waiter How we can see jobs are simple, but they are taking a lot of time and force. I want to find a second job This is a great idea. Many Work & Travel USA students get second jobs while theyre in the United States. There are some simple and important reminders that you should be aware of. Your primary job is your first responsibility. It is important that your second job does not interfere with your primary job.Make sure you let your manager know if you are looking for a second job. Salary Check with your employer to learn how often you will be paid. Most students get paid weekly or every other week. Typically you will receive a paycheck that you deposit into your bank account. Some employers may offer the option of direct deposit, which means that your salary will be deposited directly into your account. In either case, your employer will give you a salary statement, paystub, or pay slip, which will show the hours you worked and the amount you were paid.It will also contain information about the taxes and other deductions taken out of your paycheck. Depending on your agreement with your employer, you might also have uniform, housing, union membership dues, or other work-related items deducted from your salary. After you receive your first paycheck, review it to ensure there are no errors. If you have questions about your paycheck, speak with your employer. Remember that you do not pay Social Security and Medicare taxes if these were deducted in error, speak with your employer. Minimum Wage There is a minimum wage that employers in the U.S. are required to pay. Please note that the wage for some positions earning tips (for example waiter or waitress) may be less than the minimum wage. Overtime At times, there may be opportunities to work additional hours. As a new employee, it is a good idea to accept these overtime hours when possible. Many companies will pay you one-and-a-half times more than the normal wage rate for extra hours. Ask your employer for company overtime policies. Travel If you intend to travel at the end of your Work & Travel USA program, you are free to explore the U.S. for the period of time indicated on your Confirmation of Insurance document. However, when you have approved time off from work during your DS-2019 dates, you are able to travel. Be sure to talk with your manager about the possibility of taking time off from work for travel. You should always ask for days off at least a week in advance. Depending on the agreement you signed with your representative, you may also have a Travel Period following your official work dates, during which your program insurance coverage remains in place.Your overall Program Dates are those stated on your Confirmation of Insurance Coverage document that you received with your DS-2019, and include both the work p eriod and Travel Period. If you did not sign up for a Travel Period when applying for the program, it is not possible to add this once you are in the U. S. d) Goals. Why students are going to America? Every student has his own goal. Some of them want just to travel, some want to verify their language knowledge and to use it in, some want to buy there the newest gadgets, because they are cheaper in the U. S.Also, what these people want, whatever they just have fun, earn experience, find new friends But sponsors also have some goals too. Theyve written this one The goals of the Work & Travel program are to 1. Facilitate peace, tolerance and understanding through international exchange, global adventure and intercultural interaction. 2. Provide an opportunity for young people from around the world to challenge themselves through learning to work, grow and live in another country and culture. 3. Enable young people an affordable option to participate in a quality summer work & travel pr ogram. ) Problems with the program. For some one Work and Travel is a profit, for others-its a fear. There are a lot of firms-phantoms that take the money and do nothing. In advertisings is written that You can travel all U. S. only for 200$, in other only for 600$. Is it true? Is it possible to earn more then you give and also make an adventure? No One of the owners of Work and Travel said that maximum you need to pay 2300 or 2600 $. It is the bill for some of the verifications. That is some of the tariffs that you need to pay for the program 1065 $-only to find a job in U.S. A. ,to issue a contract of employment, health insurance,for a letter of recommendationtoget asocial security number, ID card Intrax (such asidentity cards), formDS2719 (on the basisof whichoffera visa), paymentservice,charged by theUnited Statesfrom allparticipants in the program 100 $ for the servicesof the company 131$-for the visa, this amount is paid tothe Embassy about 700$ the priceof a plane ticket. In total,the studentmustpay about 2000 $forshort-term employment contractin America.Another problem-every 3-d student doesnt return home in time of vise. In 2007 theU. S. Embassyissuedvisafor more than 5000studentsfor the program Summer Work and Travel. Despite the factthat one of theconditions for participationin the program isto returnin Moldova onSeptember 17, but about 20% of students who leftin summer2007in the U. S. ,did not returnhome, andmore than 40%returned afterthe deadline forthe return ofthe lectures. Almost allthe reststayedin the U. S. longer thanspecifiedin the visaperiod.Ambassadorof Moldovain the United States, NicolaeChirtoaca, said During the summer periodin the practiceof frequentreception of the Embassyincludednoticesfrom prison,reportingon cases ofdetention and arrest of our studentswho comefor seasonal work. One of the reasons the excessspecified in the visaperiod of stayin the U. S. illegally, orchange of employmentnot specifiedin the contract. There arealso ca ses where theMoldovanstudentswere detainedin the U. S. for petty theftin largestores. There are a lot of more scary problemsWhen you came in USA- you dont know anybody, you dont know where you are, how and what to do you are alone in strange side. When you come in the USA your job offer can cast you, and then you are left there without money, food, house, you dont know the city, you can lost there without anything, without hope. But there are big advantages One of them that you quickly become independent, because there is no one who will do your work, you will depend only on you. You are living alone you must do your work only by yourself. And at last you earn money, which you can spend for travelling or some things that you want.Another advantage is that you learn more about the US culture, life, habitats, and holydays. But there is a big unhappy aspect-you can use Work and Travel program only 2 times, and when you get visa second time, the workers of the firm warn you that it is y our last time of using Work ant Travel program. Looking at all aspects, problems and spending, would we use the Work and Travel program? Its difficult question that needs reasonable answer. If you want to see new places, if you want to improve your spoken English, if you want to learn some thing new and if you strong enough to be alone-you will use this program.We know that there are a lot of people, who use W&T program. Ive spoken with one some and that is what he tells me His telling about first operations at his place with his documents Today has set the seals to summer session and at once has gone, has handed over the students record-book in Pegas. Like as tonight my documents should go already on DS-form reception. Somewhere in the middle of March means I will go to consulate It is as usual quiet as a boa. Still today has received one more JobOffer (yes-yes, here such in life not justice, at someone it isnt present absolutely, and at someone it is some).From May, 4th till Septe mber, 4th the boss has sent such approximate accounting MAY $1650. 00 June $2095. 00 July $2285. 00 August $2805. 00 September $375. 00 (this could be more if I were to extend your employment) Total $9210. 00 The total amount looks anything so, quite. Especially considering that meal and habitation there the free Here now it was puzzled, it is necessary to count up, how many I will earn if I go simply in SF for example and I search there for work, I find, I live and take somewhere meal Nevertheless the variant with CA is pleasant to me more so it is necessary to weigh all PRO AND CONTRAThen he told me about the process in the embassy On an input the passport you give, write down in magazine. You pass through the metal detector. You go on the 4th floor. There too you submit the passport, you pass through framework. You pass in a waiting room small with chairs further and there behind partitions two windows where consuls sit as in exchange cash desk for armor glasses. At the left the woman, on the right the man The man very long asks all and from its party constantly a laughter is audible The woman works quickly on the contrary. -Hello -Hello Please put your students book. What is your speciality? -Computer science in economy -Why do you want to go to the U. S. A? -I like travelling. -Did you travel before? -Yes, I was in Britain last summer For work there went? (The sense was that, asked again type Sorry? ) -I was on English courses and.. -? -With student visa in Britain I can work only 20 hours, so I work 20 hours. Put the left finger for scanning. Now the right. Thanks. As whom you will work in states? (Has besides asked again) -I will work on mobile concession unit food concession What concession? -Food selling food. Type and what to sell that you will be? -Hot dogs, pop corn -Do you like hot dogs? -Yeeeeees -Ok. Your visa approved. -Thank you. Bye. All dialogue has occupied on can minute-two Very quickly all When There is there that already on the automa tic machine ask again Sorry? If It is hardly not clear In life the most important thing is sincerity learn it to represent and the success is provided. Then he gave me some posts from his blog, which he was writing in the U. S. A 1)Has once again understood, how badly I know English.Has come on mail and here has understood that I vaguely represent how to tell a phrase I should receive a parcel (but hasnt received). Certainly I could explain it and me have understood even from the first But probably impression I make the real guest worker (as in the Russian Federation different Asians). His opinion about disadvantages of W&T if you want to practice your English Gathered to America Thought (has been assured) what big city, I want in small American village And that there was no Russian for they and in the Russian Federation suffice meThought I will speak only in an English, to work with Americans and so on Well also what? Than all it has ended? I live in almost million city which is c onsidered most European, in Russian area, removing habitation at Russian-speaking, my neighbour about the room Russian-speaking, my flat mates Russian-speaking, on work at me ALL Russian-speaking And in addition I write in the blog in Russian and I go to read Russian news and forums And also his opinion about the USA and the UK Here 3,5 months I in America (well hardly it is more).Exactly so much I have stayed in last year in Britain. Also that I have noticed Those 3,5 months in Britain I remember almost every day, all the summer long was one cool adventure. I remember as have arrived, as went to college as searched for work as went on it as we went to Oxford and Cambridge as somewhere went all that was then. Even work is there was an adventure part, a part of knowledge of Britain 3,5 months in America Well how to tell I remember the first 3 days after an arrival, and continuous gray everyday life all rest, routineThere are some fascinating moments (which are remembered when you r e-read this diary), but also those as though in a fog That is simply stupid working day after day and any adventures and romanticism. As-it it is not correct 4. Conclusion. Looking at all aspects, problems and spending, would we use the Work and Travel program? Its a difficult question that needs a reasonable answer. If you want to see new places, if you want to improve your spoken English, if you want to learn some thing new and if you strong enough to be alone-you will use this program.Work & Travel USA program gives you a chance to be much more than a tourist Experience life in the U. S. by working side-by-side with locals. Its a real American experience that also helps to cover travel expenses Dialogue with the friend who is in the USA. -Hello, Friend -Hi -How are you? I know hat youre in the USA. Is it true? -Yes, Im in the USA -What are you doing there? How do you get there? -Ive get here with help of the W program, and this program had helped me to find work. -Where are you w orking? -Im working in a very beautiful restaurant And how is going? -Its a hard job. Very hard. I went through humiliation, because Im not from America. -Its very sad. -First time it was very hard. I didnt know this city, I didnt know anyone. Every thing was foreign for me. But I found a good place to live. I found Russian speaking people. I found new friends. -And how are you now? -Im fine. I have heavy but well paid job, I have new friends, Ive learnt a lot of new things about the USA. -Wow Youve learnt so much thing being in the USA How do you think should I try this program? I think that this will give you a good life experience, a new knowledge about this country and about people who live there Try it You may go to the one of offices of W&T program and they will give you all the information you need. Its a real American experience that also helps to cover travel expenses Bye. 5. Sources. Sites 1. moldova. usembassy. gov 2. migratie. md 3. en. wikipedia. org 4. myworkandtravel. com. ua 5. simplex. dp. ua 6. workandtravel. su 6. Supplements. pic pic pic pic picpic picpic picpic picpic picpic picpic picpicpicpicpicpic
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